Class Rest.EmailSvc Extends %CSP.REST

XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
    <Route Url="/TesteQuery/" Method="GET" Call="TesteQueryString"/>

ClassMethod TesteQueryString() As %Status
    Set tSC = $$$OK
    If 'tSC Quit tSC       
    Set tProxy = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
    Set tProxy.Discipline = $Get(%request.Data("Discipline", 1))
    Set tProxy.TestCode = $Get(%request.Data("TestCode", 1))
    Set %response.ContentType = "application/json"
    set %response.Status = 200
    Do tProxy.%ToJSON()
    Quit tSC


Hi in this case I have already used a function that returns a string, with this I came to a utility very similar to the switch case of other languages Sorry for the possible inconsistency in the response, it was translated by google translator


Class Case.Teste Extends %SerialObject

ClassMethod Teste(pReq As %Integer)
              1:..Oi(),2:..Tchau(),: ..GOKU())

ClassMethod Oi() As %String
Quit "OI sou do Brasil"

ClassMethod Tchau() As %String
Quit "Um abraço"

ClassMethod GOKU() As %String
Quit "Oi Eu sou o GOKU"

Storage Default


USER>do ##Class(Case.Teste).Teste(1)
OI sou do Brasil

USER>do ##Class(Case.Teste).Teste(2)
Um abraço

USER>do ##Class(Case.Teste).Teste(3)
Oi Eu sou o GOKU