The issue was successfully resolved with the assistance of Sascha Kisser through the WRC. A similar error has been fixed in the IRIS 2023.1.1 version. For my particular issue, it is necessary to set $sequence(@glob) to an empty string. Resolving the issue is straightforward for us, as we invoke it from a utility routine, and we are able to differentiate between Cache and IRIS using $ZV.

IRIS %Stream.GlobalCharacter uses $Sequence

Cache %Stream.GlobalCharacter uses $Increment

This modified version works without errors.

Thank you for your patience 😅,

I need to encapsulate it with $g, cuz ^TEST bekomes <UNDEFINED> sometimes. Subsequent invocations of the 'test' label sometimes lead to failures. Despite my attempts, the issue remains unresolved.

I tried the same code on. Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.1.1 (Build 111) Wed May 17 2017 15:55:41 EDT. It works without failing a single time.

Best regards

Hi, That's strange. It's auto-generated by mysqldump

CREATE TABLE "Fehlermeldung" (
  "idFehlermeldung" int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  "name" varchar(58) DEFAULT NULL,
  "fkFehlerart" varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
  "meldung" text DEFAULT NULL,
  "parameter" varchar(229) DEFAULT NULL,
  "hilfetext" text DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Wenn_DAS" varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Wenn_VST" varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Wenn_BAS" varchar(37) DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Wenn_VPB" varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Erläuterung" varchar(193) DEFAULT NULL,
  "verursacher_Wenn_BAS_indirekt" varchar(18) DEFAULT NULL


The error occurs when i try to import a sql dump file with

    d $SYSTEM.SQL.SetDefaultSchema("QT",$SYSTEM.SQL.DefaultSchema(),1)
    d $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport("MySQL","VM","c:\temp\meh.sql","C:\temp\all.log",,,";")

You can see the summary in my previous post under spoiler. It is the only error.

After that I tried to run the query in the sql interface and there is the same error with a little more detail.

A working query for comparison. I can not see much difference...

INSERT INTO "Fehlermeldung" VALUES (1001020,'qsDataFieldCode.isInvalid','10','Der Wert ''<wert>'' des Datenfeldes <feldName> \"<feldBezeichnung>\" ist kein zulässiger Code des Schlüssels <schluesselName> (<schluesselBezeichnung>).','<params wert=\"\" feldName=\"\" feldBezeichnung=\"Feld.bezeichnung\" schluesselName=\"\" schluesselBezeichnung=\"Schluessel.bezeichnung\" />','','Leistungserbringer','','','Leistungserbringer','Als Template-Meldung kann diese auch auf modifizierte Daten der DAS zutreffen.','')
Class QT.Fehlermeldung Extends %Persistent [ ClassType = persistent, DdlAllowed, Final, Owner = {VM}, ProcedureBlock, SqlRowIdPrivate, SqlTableName = Fehlermeldung ]

Property idFehlermeldung As %Library.Integer(MAXVAL = 2147483647, MINVAL = -2147483648) [ SqlColumnNumber = 2 ];

Property name As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 58) [ SqlColumnNumber = 3 ];

Property fkFehlerart As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 2) [ SqlColumnNumber = 4 ];

Property meldung As %Stream.GlobalCharacter [ SqlColumnNumber = 5 ];

Property parameter As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 229) [ SqlColumnNumber = 6 ];

Property hilfetext As %Stream.GlobalCharacter [ SqlColumnNumber = 7 ];

Property verursacherWennDAS As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 18) [ SqlColumnNumber = 8, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Wenn_DAS ];

Property verursacherWennVST As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 18) [ SqlColumnNumber = 9, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Wenn_VST ];

Property verursacherWennBAS As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 37) [ SqlColumnNumber = 10, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Wenn_BAS ];

Property verursacherWennVPB As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 18) [ SqlColumnNumber = 11, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Wenn_VPB ];

Property verursacherErläuterung As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 193) [ SqlColumnNumber = 12, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Erläuterung ];

Property verursacherWennBASindirekt As %Library.String(MAXLEN = 18) [ SqlColumnNumber = 13, SqlFieldName = verursacher_Wenn_BAS_indirekt ];

/// Bitmap Extent Index auto-generated by DDL CREATE TABLE statement.  Do not edit the SqlName of this index.
Index DDLBEIndex [ Extent, SqlName = "%%DDLBEIndex", Type = bitmap ];

Storage Default















Best regards



I want to access the api endpoint using the %Net.HttpRequest class and its SSLConfiguration property.

The provided credentials authenticate me as a valid user to make api requests.

Some endpoints are using RSA keys and they work as expected. But this particular endpoint uses a 256bit ecc key and there is no option to choose it.

How can I do it in Cache like i did with cURL? Currently I am using CPIPE and cURL as workaround.

Best regards

//EDIT Saved as DSA..... debug output
error:10092010:elliptic curve routines:d2i_ECPrivateKey:EC lib
05/16/21-15:57:51:622 (2148) 0
error:100DE08E:elliptic curve routines:OLD_EC_PRIV_DECODE:decode error
05/16/21-15:57:51:622 (2148) 0
error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag
05/16/21-15:57:51:622 (2148) 0
error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error
05/16/21-15:57:51:622 (2148) 0
error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error
05/16/21-15:57:51:622 (2148) 0
error:0907B00D:PEM routines:PEM_READ_BIO_PRIVATEKEY:ASN1 lib
05/16/21-15:57:51:623 (2148) 0
error:140B0009:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file:PEM lib
05/16/21-15:57:51:623 (2148) 0
TPXMIT saw TCP device fail
05/16/21-15:57:58:014 (5052) 0 REDEBUG: new netdebugflags FF


The api endpoint (https://api.domain/service) is only accessible with a provided certificate and ecc key.
i would like to use the %Net.HttpRequest class with SSLConfiguration

my quick test with curl under windows
curl -v --location --request POST --key provided.pem --cert provided.pem --header "Accept: application/pdf" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @payload.json https://api.domain/service

Best regards