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Member since Jan 15, 2017
Could Intersystems consider introducing a parameter for using $increase instead of $sequence or provide a proper solution for this? It appears problematic to me that $sequence or the kernel does not know about a global that has already been killed. This testcase is quite simple, but I can't call it twice without extending a class i don't/shouldn't know much about.😅
IRIS %Stream.GlobalCharacter uses $Sequence
Cache %Stream.GlobalCharacter uses $Increment
Include %BigData.ShardingManager
Class Patch.GlobalBinary Extends %Stream.TmpCharacter [ ClientDataType = BINARYSTREAM, OdbcType = LONGVARBINARY, System = 2 ]
Parameter COMPRESS = 1;
Method %OnNew(initval As %String = "") As %Status [ Private ]
set i%%Location=$select(initval="":$$$streamGlobal,$$$UPPER(initval)="SHARD":"^IRIS.Stream.Shard",1:initval)
Method %LoadData(id As %String) As %Status [ Private ]
Set i%Id=id,i%NodeNo=0
If i%%Location="" Set i%%Location=$$$streamGlobal
If id="" {
Set i%Mode=$$$modeREADNODATA,i%AtEnd=1,i%IOSize=0,i%MaxNodeNo=0,i%Compress=..#COMPRESS
} Else {
If ('i%%Locked) && (i%%Concurrency) { Do ..%LockStream() }
#; Turn on batch mode so reading stream does not kill the cache
Set batch=$zu(68,25,1)
Set maxnode="",size=0,location=i%%Location
Set header=$get(@location@(id))
If header["," {
#; New header format
Set maxnode=$piece(header,","),size=+$piece(header,",",2),i%Compress=+$piece(header,",",3)
} Else {
#; Old header format has just maxnode in it
#; For compression specific subclasses ..#COMPRESS=2 we always use compression even for old header format
Set i%Compress=$select(..#COMPRESS=2:2,1:-1)
Set maxnode=$select(header="":+$order(@location@(id,""),-1),1:header)
#; read size from "0" node, if present, if not calculate it
If maxnode'="",'$data(@location@(id,0),size) {
Set size=0 For i=1:1:maxnode Set size=size+$length($$$streamDecompressBuf(^(i)))
Set i%IOSize=size,i%AtEnd='size,i%Mode=$select(maxnode="":$$$modeREADNODATA,1:$$$modeREADNOTCHANGED),i%MaxNodeNo=+maxnode
Do $zu(68,25,batch)
Quit $$$OK
Method %SaveData(ByRef sid As %String) As %Status [ Private ]
set tStatus = $$$OK, tLocked = 0
#; save the stream;
Set mode=i%Mode
If mode=$$$modeREADNODATA||(mode=$$$modeREADNOTCHANGED)||(mode=$$$modeWRITEJUSTSAVED) Quit $$$OK
try {
#; Before changing anything we need to remember what the current state is in case of a rollback
Kill i%rollback If $tlevel Set i%rollback("Buffer")=i%Buffer,i%rollback("Mode")=mode,i%rollback("MaxNodeNo")=i%MaxNodeNo
#; Turn on batch mode so reading stream does not kill the cache
Set batch=$zu(68,25,1)
If mode=$$$modeWRITE||(mode=$$$modeREADBUFFER) { Set buffer=i%Buffer } Else { Set buffer="" }
If i%%Location="" Set i%%Location=$$$streamGlobal
Set location=i%%Location
#; kill original data and save size in "0" node
Set bufferlen=+..#BUFFERLEN
Set maxnodeno=i%MaxNodeNo+($length(buffer)+bufferlen-1\bufferlen),killdest=0
#; If we have not written any blocks so far check if we should compress
If i%Compress=1,i%MaxNodeNo=0,..NotCompressible(.buffer) Set i%Compress=0
#; allocate new stream no if needed
If $$$streamTmpGlobalDefault {
If i%Id="" {
Set i%Id=$increment(@location)
} Else {
Set killdest=1
if i%%Concurrency {
set tLockRef = ..%GetLockReference(location,i%Id)
if tLockRef '= "" {
lock +@(tLockRef):$$$LockTimeout if $test { set tLocked = 1 } else { set tLocked = 0 throw ##class(%Exception.StatusException).CreateFromStatus($$$ERROR($$$LockFailedToAcquireExclusive,tLockRef)) }
If killdest Do ..BuildValueArray(.subvalue)
} ElseIf i%%Concurrency {
#; Make sure we unlock when we are done, lock originally taken out in Write method
set tLockRef = ..%GetLockReference(location,i%Id)
If tLockRef'="" Set tLocked=1
Set sid=i%Id
If killdest,$data(@location@(sid)) Kill ^(sid)
If i%Compress=-1||(i%Compress=2) {
Set @location@(sid)=maxnodeno,^(sid,0)=i%IOSize
} Else {
Set @location@(sid)=maxnodeno_","_i%IOSize_$select(i%Compress=0:"",1:","_i%Compress)
Set maxnodeno=i%MaxNodeNo
Set movedata=0
If i%TempGbl'="",$$$streamTmpGlobalDefault {
Set tmpgbl=i%TempGbl,movedata=1
For i=1:1:maxnodeno Set @location@(sid,i)=@tmpgbl@(i)
#; If in WRITE mode have to write out buffer, do not update i%MaxNodeNo here as we keep the temporary stream
While buffer'="" {
If $length(buffer)<=bufferlen {
Set @location@(sid,$increment(maxnodeno))=$$$streamCompressBuf(buffer)
} Else {
Set @location@(sid,$increment(maxnodeno))=$$$streamCompressBuf($extract(buffer,1,bufferlen))
Set buffer=$extract(buffer,bufferlen+1,*)
#; If we did not move the temp data we have to setup so next write will copy the permanent data to temp storage
If 'movedata {
#; Clear i%TempGbl so permanent location is not removed on stream close
Set i%TempGbl=""
If mode=$$$modeWRITE {
Set i%Mode=$$$modeWRITEJUSTSAVED
Set i%NodeNo=0,i%Position=1,i%Buffer="",i%AtEnd=0
} ElseIf mode'=$$$modeREADBUFFER { ; READBUFFER can leave all settings the same
#; As data did not move we must update i%MaxNodeNo as this is the max on disk
Set i%MaxNodeNo=maxnodeno
Set i%Mode=$$$modeREADNOTCHANGED
} Else {
Set i%Mode=$$$modeWRITEJUSTSAVED
#; Save the subvalue array for index updates
If $data(subvalue) Merge ^||%isc.strv(..%Oid())=subvalue
if tLocked { lock -@(tLockRef)#"I" }
Do $zu(68,25,batch)
catch tException {
if $Get(tLocked) { lock -@(tLockRef)#"I" }
set tStatus = tException.AsStatus()
Quit tStatus
ClassMethod %DeleteData(streamvalue As %String, concurrency As %Integer) As %Status [ Private ]
try {
set tStatus=$$$OK
set tLocked=0
set root=$$$oidSysAd1(streamvalue)
set shardnum=$$$oidSysAd2(streamvalue)
if root="" { set root=$$$streamGlobal }
else {
set:'$d($system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)) $system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)=$$getNSShardNumber^%SYS.SHARDSRV()
if shardnum,shardnum'=$system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace) { set root="^|"""_$$getExtRefEnvFromShardNum^%SYS.SHARDSRV(shardnum)_"""|"_$e(root,2,*) }
set node=$$$oidPrimary(streamvalue)
if concurrency {
set tLockRef = ..%GetLockReference(root,node)
if tLockRef '= "" {
lock +@(tLockRef):$$$LockTimeout if $test { set tLocked = 1 } else { set tStatus=$$$ERROR($$$LockFailedToAcquireExclusive,tLockRef) quit }
kill @root@(node)
} catch tException {
set tStatus = tException.AsStatus()
lock:tLocked -@(tLockRef)#"I"
RETURN tStatus
/// Setup the TempGbl location of where we will write the temp stream to
Method SetupTmpGbl() [ Private ]
If i%%Location="" Set i%%Location=$$$streamGlobal
#; Optimistically write temp stream to permanent destination if location of stream is not the default and this is a new stream
If i%%Location=$$$streamGlobal||(i%Id'="") {
} Else {
Set batch=$zu(68,25,1)
Set i%Id=$increment(@i%%Location),tLocked=1
if i%%Concurrency {
set tLockRef = ..%GetLockReference(i%%Location,i%Id)
if tLockRef '= "" {
lock +@(tLockRef):$$$LockTimeout Set tLocked=$test
If 'tLocked {
} Else {
Set i%TempGbl=$name(@i%%Location@(i%Id))
Do $zu(68,25,batch)
Method CopyFromAndSave(source As %Stream.Object) As %Status
Set sc=$$$OK
#; Optimise for copy from one global to another
If $classname(source)=$classname() {
Set mode=source.Mode
Set sourceGlvn=$S(mode=$$$modeREADCHANGED||(mode=$$$modeWRITE):source.TempGbl,mode=$$$modeREADNODATA||(mode=$$$modeREADBUFFER):"",1:$na(@(source.%Location)@(source.Id)))
If mode=$$$modeWRITEJUSTSAVED {
Set maxnodeno=+$get(@sourceGlvn)
} Else {
Set maxnodeno=source.MaxNodeNo
Set i%Compress=source.Compress
#; Update the last modified timestamp
Set i%mLastModified=$ZTimeStamp
#; Turn on batch mode so reading stream does not kill the cache
Set batch=$zu(68,25,1)
If i%TempGbl'="" {
Set journal=$zu(139,2)
Kill @i%TempGbl
Do $zu(139,journal)
If '$$$streamTmpGlobalDefault,i%%Concurrency {
Set lockref = ..%GetLockReference(i%%Location,i%Id)
If lockref'="" lock -@(lockref)#"I"
Set i%TempGbl=""
#; allocate new stream no if needed
Set location=i%%Location,id=i%Id
If id="" {
Set i%Id=$increment(@i%%Location),id=i%Id
} Else {
If $data(@location@(id)) Kill ^(id)
Set writelocation=$name(@location@(id))
For i=1:1:maxnodeno Set @writelocation@(i)=@sourceGlvn@(i)
Set i%MaxNodeNo=maxnodeno,i%IOSize=source.Size,buffer=$select(mode=$$$modeWRITE||(mode=$$$modeREADBUFFER):source.Buffer,1:"")
#; If we have not written any blocks so far see if it is worth compressing
If i%Compress=1,i%MaxNodeNo=0,..NotCompressible(.buffer) Set i%Compress=0
If buffer'="" {
Set bufferlen=+..#BUFFERLEN
If $length(buffer)<=bufferlen {
} Else {
Set buffer=$extract(buffer,bufferlen+1,*)
While buffer'="" {
Set @writelocation@($increment(i%MaxNodeNo))=$$$streamCompressBuf($extract(buffer,1,bufferlen))
Set buffer=$extract(buffer,bufferlen+1,*)
If i%Compress=-1||(i%Compress=2) {
Set @writelocation=i%MaxNodeNo,^(id,0)=source.Size
} Else {
Set @writelocation=i%MaxNodeNo_","_(source.Size)_$select(i%Compress=0:"",1:","_i%Compress)
Do $zu(68,25,batch)
Set i%Mode=$$$modeREADNOTCHANGED,i%Buffer=""
#; Now copy the LineTerminator attribute
Set ..LineTerminator=source.LineTerminator
Set i%"%%OID"=..%Oid()
} Else {
Set sc=..Rewind() Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
Set sc=..CopyFrom(source) Quit:$$$ISERR(sc) sc
Set sc=..%Save()
Quit sc
/// Return the size of the stream pointed to by soid
ClassMethod %ObjectSizeInternal(soid As %ObjectIdentity) As %Integer [ Private ]
set size=0
set location=$$$oidSysAd1(soid)
set:location="" location=$$$streamGlobal
set shardnum=$$$oidSysAd2(soid)
Set loctmp=$$$oidPrimary(soid)
RETURN:location=""||(loctmp="") 0
set:'$d($system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)) $system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)=$$getNSShardNumber^%SYS.SHARDSRV()
if shardnum,shardnum'=$system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace) { set location="^|"""_$$getExtRefEnvFromShardNum^%SYS.SHARDSRV(shardnum)_"""|"_$e(location,2,*) }
set rootnode=$get(@location@(loctmp))
If rootnode["," {
Set size=$piece(rootnode,",",2)
} Else {
#; read size from "0" node, if present
set:$data(@location@(loctmp,0),size)#10=0 size=##class(%Stream.Object)$this.%ObjectSizeInternal(soid)
ClassMethod %LOBPrefetchInternal(soid As %ObjectIdentity, prefetchsize As %Integer, ByRef data As %String) As %Integer [ Private ]
set location=$$$oidSysAd1(soid)
set:location="" location=$$$streamGlobal
set shardnum=$$$oidSysAd2(soid)
set loctmp=$$$oidPrimary(soid)
RETURN:location=""||(loctmp="") 0
set:'$d($system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)) $system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace)=$$getNSShardNumber^%SYS.SHARDSRV()
if shardnum,shardnum'=$system.Context.SQL().ShardNumber($namespace) { set location="^|"""_$$getExtRefEnvFromShardNum^%SYS.SHARDSRV(shardnum)_"""|"_$e(location,2,*) }
set rootnode=$get(@location@(loctmp))
if rootnode["," {
Set size=$piece(rootnode,",",2),maxnode=+rootnode
} Else {
#; read size from "0" node, if present
RETURN:$data(@location@(loctmp,0),size)#10=0 ##class(%Stream.Object)$this.%LOBPrefetchInternal(soid,prefetchsize,.data)
set maxnode=$select(rootnode="":+$order(@location@(loctmp,""),-1),1:+rootnode)
RETURN:size>prefetchsize 0
#; Read compression state from header or from class parameter
Set compress=$select(rootnode[",":$piece(rootnode,",",3),1:..#COMPRESS)
for i=1:1:maxnode {
set data=data_$$$streamDecompressBufFlag(@location@(loctmp,i),compress)
RETURN $select(size=0:3,..IsCharacter():1,1:2)
Storage Default
<Data name="GlobalBinaryDefaultData">
<Value name="1">
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The issue was successfully resolved with the assistance of Sascha Kisser through the WRC. A similar error has been fixed in the IRIS 2023.1.1 version. For my particular issue, it is necessary to set $sequence(@glob) to an empty string. Resolving the issue is straightforward for us, as we invoke it from a utility routine, and we are able to differentiate between Cache and IRIS using $ZV.