Thanks for the background.

The following is for the documentation team:


Case-sensitive: variable names (other than the ObjectScript system variables) are case-sensitive. Names of packages, classes, and class members, names of routines and their entry points, names of include files and macros are also all case sensitive.

This is plain wrong. The package and class names are case in-sensitive as you can read in this message thread and in the compilation example below:

Compilation started on 02/25/2025 10:16:38 with qualifiers 'bckru'
Compiling class Foo.Class1
Compilation finished successfully in 0.056s.

ERROR #5093: Name conflict on class 'foo.Class2' because package 'Foo' has the same name but differs in case.

ERROR #5092: Name conflict on class 'Foo.class1' because class 'Foo.Class1' has the same name but differs in case.

I guess the 2025 answer is to look at Python solution(s) which are likely many. A quick internet search suggests e.g. that seems to be a reasonable complete, recent and popular.

Unfortunately I'm not yet arrived to IRIS Python-land, hence I had to come up yet another partial solution that fits to my current use case:

How to take control of your own code snippets:

The "old school" way: keep a "tidy" public or private repository from where you can easily import the code into any namespace with $system.OBJ.ImportDir

The "new school" way: organize the code into a public or private IPM module (or modules). In case of public code host the module(s) in Remember to be explicit about the license!

Select top level package name (try to follow the de-facto naming rules) and organize the code there as you see best (use sub packages and classes).

I don't know about public collections of functions but browse and follow-up the