Hi @Evgeny Shvarov and @Jeffrey Drumm !
A tremendous thank for steering me in the right direction! I feel i'm almost there. However, it looks like there is an error in the append phase of the production. See below. Any thoughts?
Best regards,
I have also reproduced this (before visiting this post) and created a production that reads in a .csv, transforms it, and then spits out one "file" for every record in the .csv. This is not a desirable output for me, i would like it to output all of the records in one .csv. Do you have any suggestions for that? Thank you, Mac Miller, Upper Peninsula Health Information Exchange
@Evgeny Shvarov @Jeffrey Drumm
i think it's got to do with one of my fields i'm trying to transform... i cut it down to two fields (first_name, last_name) and it worked fantastically!!!! Even had a timestamp :):)