i have this error

DrawTableError : <MAXSTRING> zDrawTable+349^%CSP.Util.TablePane.2

perhaps i have the possibility of Deleting all history queries, but i think better to check the table where last queries were stored and solve it by deleting wrong registries. anybody knows where is the table 'QueryHistory'.

0 3
0 301

Since now i have been working from external connection but i want to work with the SQL utility of Management Portal

i dont know how to do with several instructions like in other editors like this example

update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  80 where CodigoNum = '100' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '101' and Empresa = 'CO'
update Prod.Articulos set Alto = 1646, Ancho = 16, Fondo =  400 where CodigoNum = '102' and Empresa = 'CO'

it returns

0 11
0 684