· Nov 7, 2016
Monospace output from Zen


I have a problem which i think has a simple solution but which i and others haven't yet cracked. I want to display text output to a text box in monospaced font. At the moment the style sheet is shown below, I have tried various other options such as specifying a specific font such as Courier New. None of the browsers I have tried (Safari, Firefox on OSX, IE) display as monospace, although the last 2 come close. I wonder whether I need a <pre> tag, but I can't see how to do that in Zen.


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· Oct 10, 2016
PDFs from COS

We have a very old green screen application which is currently producing PCL "documents". I want to update this to produce PDFs - are there any shortcuts / tips? I'm aware Zen Reports can allegedly do it, but I want to avoid that route if I can.

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