Remember FHIR is a very immature 'standard'.
If you jump on the bandwagon, you must be prepared to be agile.
You talk about R5, but R6 is well on its way and, since they actually are STU4, 5, 6 and so on, there is no FHIR 1.0
Some standard bodies opt for stability like Nictiz in the Netherlands, where most of the official specifications are still based on STU3.
Opting for implementation of an immature standard ,one must be prepared for (extreme) agility, otherwise we are all ending op with in-operability because of different incompatible implementations.

We were 'forced' to use CQ by one of our customers and I was rather disappointed about it.
It looks like the designers of those rules didn't have a lot of COS (or even MUMPS) experience.
Maybe we should, as a community, find some kind of consensus what is good  (?) (C)OS code.
ISC is not a good example, their code (completely open for developers to look at, which you find nowhere in the industry): a lot of different styles (don't mention the 'p" and 't' prefixes ... ;-))
I don't have the time to set this up, but am happy to join the discussions.

In the Git plugin, a  %Studio.SourceControl.Base subclass , I get the active branch
Set Active=##class(Git.Utils).GetActiveBranch(Repos.Directory)
If Active["fatal" {
Set sc=##class(Git.Utils).AddToSaveList(Repos.Name)
If that gets a fatal I call:
Set Command="cd "_Repository.Directory_" && git config --global --add "_Dir
Set sc=..CPipe(Command,.Output)

This process runs under the Studio account