Question Ori Tsarfati · Jul 8, 2024 How to handle line break inside NTE segment inside HL7 message I have an HL7 message that contains NTE segment with line break inside. when I try to transform it (with DTL) it stops reading the message after the line break inside the NTE because it treat that as "End of Message". Is there a way to solve this in the DTL or I need to run a pre process on the HL7 message that identify the line break inside the NTE segments and replace it with an escape char? #HL7 #Ensemble #Health Connect #HealthShare 1 1 0 121
Question Ori Tsarfati · Nov 15, 2022 Transform JSON as VDOC Hi Is there a way to read JSON and transform it (in DTL) by using a VDOC of this JSON (without transform it to internal message) like I can do with HL7 or XML? If it possible, I guess that I should have a schema of the JSON so the second question is how to build a schema for JSON and load it to the IRIS? Thanks, Ori. #Data Import and Export #Data Model #DTL #JSON #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 1 457