Our client getting sometimes this error and we need to change port number on JavaGateway process to continue,

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000
> ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response

Can you tell as why it is happenning? intersystems runtime is under linux.

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· Mar 17, 2023


I would like to Validate token signature with public key i have in pem format, i am using below code but i get error message. Could you please tell me what i am doing not right? FOUT #5002: Caché fout : <DIRECTORY>zLinkToFile+2^%Stream.FileBinary.1 *-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----

hier is my code

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I have code hier and trying to view diacrit character

Class Test.REST.Services Extends EnsLib.REST.Service

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.HTTP.InboundAdapter";

Parameter EnsServicePrefix = "^TEST";

XData UrlMap
<Route Url="/dio/:Resource" Method="GET" Call="getDio" />

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