go to post Peter (Ready) C... · Aug 25, 2022 Old post, but in case anyone is searching for this (like I just did), IPQW would be "Waiting on IPQ" plus the "Hibernating" flag. The docbook says: The current state of a process is determined by the processes state bits.The following are all the different states a process can be in. The process may also have a number of different flags within these states which are appended to the end of the state name:LOCK - Executing a Lock commandOPEN - Opening a deviceCLOS - Closing a deviceUSE - Using a deviceREAD - Read commandWRT - Write commandGGET - Executing a $Get on a globalGSET - Setting a globalGKLL - Killing a globalGORD - $Order on a globalGQRY - $Query on a globalGDEF - $Data on a globalZF - Executing a $ZF commandHANG - Executing a Hang commandJOB - Executing a Job commandEXAM - Executing a variable examBRD - Executing a broadcastSUSP - Process is suspendedINCR - Executing a $IncrementBSET - Global Set $BitBGET - Global $BitEVT - Waiting on eventSLCT - Waiting on Socket SelectSEM - Waiting on SemaphoreIPQ - Waiting on IPQDEQ - Waiting on De-queue or Queue MoveRUN - Process is running Here are the flags which can be appended to the state: CS - cluster slave job waiting for net answerNL - Net lock waitingDT - The dead job has open transactionS - Suspension requestedGW - Global WaitNR - Net ReadD - DeadH - HaltingNH - NethardenN - Remote networkW - Hibernating