Question Jun Suzuki · Aug 9, 2022 SQL : ROUTINE ERROR when inserting from another table Following the documentation to insert into tableA from tableB in the SQL query box from the Management Portal : INSERT INTO tableA (col1, col2) SELECT col1, col2 FROM tableB This straightforward query raises the following error : #Management Portal #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 7 0 575
Question Jun Suzuki · Aug 8, 2022 Unable to perform basic SQL Queries : [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>] Hello, new user here ! My admin granted me all access to the domain I'm working on. Nonetheless, I'm unable to perform simple SQL queries such as creating a table or an index. What I have tried : Creating a table : within the namespace I've been granted access to, I'm trying to create a table with 2 methods : #Error Handling #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 394