Question Neeraj Mehta · Sep 15, 2016 ERROR - SQL Error '[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 29] I have been using the query below and it was working fine but now it's giving a SQL error. There were no changes made that could cause this to stop working. There is no Field 'APPLICATIONID' in the table. QueueSQL=select distinct (convert(char(5),SkillsetID)+'='+Skillset) from iagentbySkillsetStat where ApplicationID > 10000 QueueMappingSQL=SELECT DISTINCT (convert(char(5),SkillsetID)+'='+Skillset), SkillsetID FROM iagentbySkillsetStat iagentbySkillsetStat WHERE (iagentbySkillsetStat.ApplicationID>10000) DB- Intersystems Cache #ObjectScript #SQL #Caché 0 6 0 4.3K