
I have this arrangement of mirror

Node 1: Primary

Node 2: Failover

Async member is DR server

There is also an arbiter on another server

I want to make 'Node 2' primary as 'Node 1' is to be taken down for some scheduled maintenance work.

I know that I can issue 'iris stop' on 'Node 1' and 'Node 2' should takeover as Primary.


1. Is this a reliable recommended way? I have had cases in the past when the Failover node did not take over as Primary

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I want to get Mirror Status and copy this report into a file for audit purposes.

I have a Linux servers for IRIS DB with this layout:
LIVETC01 Backup
LIVETC02 Primary
LIVEDR Async Copy

I understand that this will get me the mirror status
# sudo -u irisowner iris session LIVETC01

1) Mirror Status
2) Mirror Management
3) Mirror Configuration

Option? 1

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