Article Theo Stolker · Feb 17 2m read Importing json object with a large string property For one of our customers I had to integrate with the AFAS imageconnector endpoint /imageconnector/{imageId}?format={format}. This endpoint returns in a json message with the image as a base64-encoded string property, in addition to the mimetype for the image: #JSON #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Health Connect 2 2 0 79
Question Theo Stolker · Dec 18, 2024 How does the Inactivity Limit as defined in the System-Wide Security Parameters work and other questions about the login process Hi, In a customer project we started enforcing the "Inactivity Limit" as defined in System-Wide Security Parameters. The customer would expect accounts to become Disabled after they have been inactive for the specified amount of days. However, that doesn't happen; it seems the Inactivity Limit is only established after logging in. Furthermore, the account inactivity only starts being applied after the first login. Can you confirm that? Lastly, for accounts that have been manually Disabled, and have an expired password, we see the following weird behavior: #Security #System Administration #InterSystems IRIS 0 0 0 67
Question Theo Stolker · Sep 20, 2024 Using HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service as Facade with bearer token I am trying to use IRIS for Health as a Facade for an external FHIR Server, where IRIS provides the proper authentication. The client authenticates using a bearer token obtained from the IRIS OAuth2 server via a jwt client assertion. The IRIS endpoint, however, returns a 401 as soon as I remove the Unauthenticated access Is there w way to make this work through configuration? #Authentication #FHIR #OAuth2 #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 1 0 63
Article Theo Stolker · Jun 4, 2024 2m read Moving specific settings from a Production to System Default Settings When developing a new Interoperability Production, it is quite natural that settings are initially added in the Production. However, as soon as you want to move the Production from development to a test or staging environment, it becomes clear that some settings like HTTP Servers, IP addresses and/or ports need to be changed. In order to avoid these settings being overwritten during a redeployment later on, it is essential that you move these settings from the Production to the System Default settings. #Interoperability #Tools #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Health Connect 8 2 5 306
Article Theo Stolker · Feb 16, 2024 5m read FHIR json property order part II Since my initial question on ordering json properties a few things have happened. #Best Practices #FHIR #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 1 1 366
Article Theo Stolker · Feb 2, 2024 9m read DB.Changelog: Keeping track of database changes using SQL Triggers and CodeMode = objectgenerator In a customer project I was asked how you can keep track of database changes: Who changed what at which date and time. Goal was to track insert, update and delete for both SQL and object access. This is the table that I created to keep the Change Log: #Best Practices #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 7 5 2 451
Question Theo Stolker · Jan 26, 2024 What global can I use to enable the FHIR Log Data Beta feature? My question is about the below tile, which only shows up if you set a specific global.Does anyone know what that global is? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 5 0 195
Article Theo Stolker · Jan 19, 2024 1m read Meaning of error message"Object open failed because 'Name' key value of 'xx' was not found" Last Friday November 17 suddenly ran into an error where ZPM would issue an error saying: ERROR! Object open failed because 'Name' key value of 'xx' was not found I googled but found no specific help. Step by step I was able to conclude that: This is the error message for error 5770, also known as $$$KeyValueNotFoundOpen. In objectscript, this error can be raised by calls to NameOpen, where 'Name' is the first quoted part in the error message. #InterSystems IRIS 3 0 0 277
Article Theo Stolker · Jan 15, 2024 1m read How to add webterminal when you have no terminal access I though this is a pretty cool way of installing webterminal in an environment where I had Management Portal / Visual code access, but I had no terminal access. zpm was already present. otherwise you could add it in the same class. #Terminal #InterSystems IRIS 9 7 1 353
Question Theo Stolker · Dec 22, 2022 %DynamicObject: How to insert json property at a specific location? Hi, I know json does not impose any order, but for readability I would like to insert a json property at a specific location at the start of a %DynamicObject, not at the end.Is there a known way to do that (other than string manipulation)? #JSON #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 512