We have a lot of documentation about XML transformations, you can start with this

My suggestion, try to get the schema of the CCDA (a XSD file) and import it into IRIS (Interoperate -> XML -> XML SCHEMA STRUCTURES) in order to work better with a Virtual Document based on your CCDA files. Then you can use regular DTL to transform it into another objects or directly access to each field of the document with methods as GetValueAt (documentation)

About the Inbound Adapters here is the documentation related and for the Outbound Adapter...if you want to export it into a flat file or a CSV any FileOperation would be enough.

Just to go deeper in the Oliver's answer and because I'm always strugling against the certificates and I hate them...you can see here an example about the generation of a self-signed certified in wich you define the "Common name", the equivalent to your domain, in your case the Common name used to generate the certificate is Test111a.domain.local so you need a new one with the new domain as @Oliver Wilms told you.