Hi and thanks for answer Eduard.

It did not work properly and it is still labeled as UTC in the SOAP request I send.
I.E 2019-09-12T10: 39: 00Z.  Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I dont' know.

Anyway, if I instead changed this type in my class from:
Property VisitTime As% TimeStamp (XMLNAME = "VisitTime"  , XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");

Property VisitTime  As% TimeStamp (XMLNAME = "VisitTime " , XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE", XMLTIMEZONE = "IGNORE");

it came out as 2019-09-12T10:39:00 (No Z at the end indicating UTC). And that's what I was looking for. However it can couse me trouble if the schema will be updated and i will lost my changes. And it would be easier to not change every %Timestamp-property in my class

With productdescription i mean what you se in the productionclass for each namespace (if there is a productionclass) between the tags <Description></Description>. You can set value from manager portal on product settings.

What i want to do, is in a production in the process (with cos) get that description from any other namespace. Wihout to do any global mappings . Then i want to access the content in that productionclass and read out the value from<Description>Value</Description>.

I will take a look at $SYSTEM.SYS.NameSpace() as suggested


Hi and thanks for answer.

No i can't find any <STORE> exceptions in the trace.  Actually everythings goes fine from service->process->operation. It just stuck there after the request. Messagestate for process is "Delivered"

I have also checked the processes in system operation/processes and all processes for current namespace are in state of EVTW.

The Net.HttpRequest process in state of READ


However it might  be a memory problem as you think and we have to check it out
