go to post Michael Lundberg · Apr 23, 2020 Hi and thanks for answer Eduard. It did not work properly and it is still labeled as UTC in the SOAP request I send.I.E 2019-09-12T10: 39: 00Z. Maybe i'm doing something wrong. I dont' know. Anyway, if I instead changed this type in my class from:Property VisitTime As% TimeStamp (XMLNAME = "VisitTime" , XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE"); To:Property VisitTime As% TimeStamp (XMLNAME = "VisitTime " , XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE", XMLTIMEZONE = "IGNORE"); it came out as 2019-09-12T10:39:00 (No Z at the end indicating UTC). And that's what I was looking for. However it can couse me trouble if the schema will be updated and i will lost my changes. And it would be easier to not change every %Timestamp-property in my class
go to post Michael Lundberg · Apr 23, 2020 Hi and thanks for your answer Robert. I can now see that I was unclear about my question, I apologize for that What I wanted is to see if it was possible to changethe value of parameter without changing the %TimeStamp classor building a new class in my solution.
go to post Michael Lundberg · Feb 21, 2019 Thank you for information! I will study or links and i sure now we can solve this out!/Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Feb 19, 2019 Hi and thanks for answer, i will investigate that!//Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Feb 20, 2018 I trace all lines and i never reach the line after (next property).
go to post Michael Lundberg · Feb 20, 2018 Hi and thanks for answer. It's not any explicit saving. It seems to happens immediately at allocation of the value even if there are more properties to set after that line. And there is of course a Quit later//Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Sep 4, 2017 HiThanks for that. We will decide some of these suggestionsSincerly,Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Aug 29, 2017 Hi and thank you for ansver!I have look at the InboundAdapter class and that will probably be our choice, since we not know any other way. As an option i was thinking to monitoring the eventlog in some way.Just by pure curiosity, what table is "done file table "?Appreciate your response, thanks!- Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Mar 31, 2017 With productdescription i mean what you se in the productionclass for each namespace (if there is a productionclass) between the tags <Description></Description>. You can set value from manager portal on product settings.What i want to do, is in a production in the process (with cos) get that description from any other namespace. Wihout to do any global mappings . Then i want to access the content in that productionclass and read out the value from<Description>Value</Description>.I will take a look at $SYSTEM.SYS.NameSpace() as suggested-Michael
go to post Michael Lundberg · Feb 12, 2016 Hi and thanks for answer. No i can't find any <STORE> exceptions in the trace. Actually everythings goes fine from service->process->operation. It just stuck there after the request. Messagestate for process is "Delivered" I have also checked the processes in system operation/processes and all processes for current namespace are in state of EVTW. The Net.HttpRequest process in state of READ However it might be a memory problem as you think and we have to check it out Michael