You only partially correct:

  • yes, as lazy developers we prefer to write only 1 method call, instead of 2 chained together;
  • but, no, this is not %Connect (which may be expensive operation) which should move to the %OnNew, but rather other way around.

I.e. for the cases when we need both (not actually in 100% of a cases, rather 90%) we could create combined classmethod, which will create instance of a class via call to %New() and then will proceed the necessary side-effect. i.e. 

ClassMethod %ConnectNew(Config As %Object) As Sample.RemoteProxy { ... }

In general, you should rather avoid creating huge DOM tree of an objects, or proceeding network operations inside of %New constructor. Constructor needs to allocate just bare minimum of memory, necessary for beginning of operations, and initialize fields to their default values [that will be done automatically]. That's it.

As a dirty workaround I'd suggest to use Google query modifier which allows to narrow down results to only particular site, you need to use site:URL clause for this, i.e. for searching for "dynamic dispatch" over community site you could use this query:

Also about comment to move %Connect code inside of %New.

This is not, generally a good idea to insert potentially long and slow code inside of object constructor. I prefer to have slim and fast %New, which might be nested elsewher to some wrapping onjects. While keeping slow, and expensive functions like %Connect in this case, outside of constructor, independently callable.

For example, try to use incorrect login details here and then see how long it will take to fail such connection (i.e. timeout period).


  1. I hate long list of arguments passed to function, especially when most of them are optional;
  2. In similar cases I prefer to use named-arguments approach, whcih I saw otiginally in Perl (here is the quick link I've found which shows this idiom). Named arguments allow to pass arguments in any order, which allows to avoid many related errors if (optional) argument passed in the worng order.
  3. Named-arguments were actually creating hash object in Perl, with which we worked later, accessing it's key-value pairs. 
  4. But at the end of a day the new, JSON dynamic objects we have in Cache' are semantically equivalent to hash-objects we were operating in Perl in the past;

Thus similar idiom could be used in the ObjectScript.


Though I agree, that was some stretching to use this idiom in this particular case, with not that much large number of arguments. But at least it didn't make code less readable. :)

Actually I don't see any value for checking $data for intermediate subscript (and check their consistency only at the most beginning of a function). Here is my [hopefully] simpler version

CompareArrays(refL, refR)
    if $data(@refL) '= $data(@refR) {
        // they are not consistent: one is non-array
        return 0
    do {
        // fetch next data node subscript and it's value
        set refL = $query(@refL, 1, valueL), refR = $query(@refR, 1, valueR)
        if refL="" || (refR="") {
        set subL = $qlength(refL), subR = $qlength(refR)

        if subL'=subR || (valueL '= valueR) {
            return 0
        // check each subscipt individually
        for i=1:1:subL {
            if $qsubscript(refL, i) '= $qsubscript(refR, i) {
                return 0
    while refL'="" && (refR'="")

    // only after all checks passed
    return refL=refR

    set m(1,1,1)=11,m(1,2)=12,m(2,1)=133
    set n(1,1,1)=11,n(1,2)=12,n(2,1)=133
    write $$CompareArrays($name(m),$name(n)),!
    set n(3,1)=0
    write $$CompareArrays($name(m),$name(n)),!

Thanks, Dima, [I did expect you will publish it] and this advice is very interesting and easier to apply by "lazy devops engineer". Though some explanations and comments won't harm. Hope you'll find some time eventually to write article. 


Could not resist and not say my few notes about your docker file:

- from pure micro-services point of view for the generic case of multiple ECP clients it makes no much sense IMHO to install csp gateway to each of instantiated docker instances;

- I'd invoke it at the master (ECP database server) instance, or probably as separate docker image;

- [though I suspect, that for HAproxy scenario you might needed to have this CSP-gateway services spread over each instance just for high-availability scenario. I'll be curious that Luca would recommend here from micro-services prospective?]

Let put aside software architecture (I'll write later some number of articles abut what I mean here), let talk about dirty details. 

If you have any oncrete details about the way you use Swarm, Ansible, Chef, or similar, then I (and community) will highly appreciate.


It will simplify things a lot if we could configure ECP mapping at the runtime via some set of API calls, and not statucally via editing cache.cpf. Something like it's done in MongoDB for adding new shard:


But not for the scenario of adding shard to shard-manager in particular, but for something more generic for ECP or mapping. I suspect there is something related already implemented for EM, but I have no clue how to use it for my case.


And I know there is already implemented AssignShards call in the forthcoming product, but it's too much specific, creating particular set of mappings. I'd need to have it more generic. 

This sounds very interesting.

I could not give any data proven onclusion without looking into sar or mgstat data, but from your words it sounds like the bottleneck here is ObjectScript VM or engine interprocessor locks implementation. This is hard to believe taking into accont that we are talking about "io bound" experiment, but if you will show us sar metrics...

Let see to the keypad again, it's getting obvious instantly that keys are (mostly) located by groups of 3 symbols, and if there would not be those "s" (corresponding to "7777") and "z" (which produces "9999") then implementation will be simple formula with division by 3 and corresponding modulo. Also space is exception and is not a part of sequential numerics.

So given this assumprion let us create the 1st approximation (no compression, not name reduction, everything ie readable and commented):

 0(s) public {
    set S=""
    for %=1:1:$length(s) {
        set P=""
        set = $e(s,%)
        set = $a(c) - $a("a")
        if c=" " 
            set P="0"
        elseif c="z" {
            set P="9999"
        elseif c="s" {
            set P="7777"
        elseif i<($a("s") - $a("a")) // ($a("s") - $a("a")) = 18
            set n=i\3+1,m=i#3+1
            set before2 = $a("1") ; 49
            set $p(P,$c(+ before2),m+1)=""
        else {
            set n=i-1\3+1,m=i-1#3+1
            set before2 = $a("1") ; 49
            set $p(P,$c(+ before2),m+1)=""
        set:$extract(S,*)=$extract(P,1) S=S_" "
        set S=S_P
    quit S

[Don't botther to count symbols - we will compress the code a bit]

This strange `set $piece(string,symbol,offset+1) = ""` is actually filling of a string with the given symbol.

Let us review those several ifs, we see, actually, 2 groups of them:

  • 3 ifs for exceptions fom formulae;
  • 2 ifs for disjointed rows of groupd by 3 keys. The formulae is atually the same, but witth some offset.

So let's get rid of ifs via $select and extra offset itroduced.

 #; get rid of ifs, replace with $selects
1(s) public {
    set S=""
    for %=1:1:$length(s) {
        set P=""
        set = $e(s,%)
        set = $a(c) - $a("a") ; $a("a")=97
        set = '< 18 ; ($a("s") - $a("a")) = 18
        set $p(P, $c(- o\3+1 + $a("1")), - o#3+1+1)=""
        set P=$select(c=" ": "0", 
                      c="z": "9999",
                      c="s": "7777",
        set:$extract(S,*)=$extract(P,1) S=S_" "
        set S=S_P
    quit S

[I believe this step is still obvious]

[[I dislike the way I had to put expressions without pairs but we need as short as possible, sothis is inevitable evil.]]

Now this is time to get shorter, but stiill readable version:

 #; name reduction
2(s) public {
    %=1:1:$l(s) {
        = $e(s,%)
        = $a(c) - $a("a") ; $a("a")=97
        = '< 18
        $p(P, $c(- o\3+1 + $a("1")), - o#3+1+1)=""
        P=$s(c=" ": "0", c="z": "9999", c="s": "7777", 1:P)
        s:$e(S,*)=$e(P,1) S=S_" "

That was simple- select code in Studio, then press Ctrl+Shift+E. 

And the latest step, is to convert this barely readable code to 1 line mess hard-code stuff:

 #; linearization
3(s) public {
 S="" %=1:1:$l(s) {P="",c=$e(s,%),i=$a(c)-97,o=i'<18,$p(P,$c(i-o\3+50),i-o#3+2)="",P=$s(c=" ":"0",c="z":"9999",c="s":"7777",1:P) s:$e(S,*)=$e(P,1) S=S_" " S=S_PS

That's (if you count the 1st indent symbol) 173 characters length.


Eduard Lebedyuk has improved this result a little bit:

  • he has replaced quoted literals with numerics (because they are both represend canonical numerics
    from ObjectScript point of view);
  • and replaced (where possiblle) comparisons of characters with comparisons of their derived ordinals (minus 97, or "a")
 #; +Eduard modifications
4(s) public {
 S="" %=1:1:$l(s){P="",c=$e(s,%),i=$a(c)-97,o=i>17,$p(P,$c(i-o\3+50),i-o#3+2)=P,P=$s(i<0:0,i=25:9999,i=18:7777,1:P),S=S_$s($e(S,*)=$e(P):" "_P,1:P)S

We are 158 now!