go to post Igor Barboza · Aug 16, 2024 Oh I see, we use this features, but our tool will do a double check if some Dev forget a compress command.
go to post Igor Barboza · Apr 22, 2024 Hi Charles, I was almost doing it and making a directly HTTP call, but I'd found the parameter SOAPPREFIX that allow us to change it at the standard class generated by the SOAP Wizard.If you need to do something like that, just set this parameter into the main class of the WS Client like this: Parameter SOAPPREFIX = "AnythingYouNeed" Thank you
go to post Igor Barboza · Apr 22, 2024 By the way, as ours beliefs It wasn't the problem with the message, even changing the prefix and delivery it as the manual and examples the system is rejecting the message, so we'll have to keep in touch with the support team of it.One more time, thank you so much for your time.
go to post Igor Barboza · Apr 22, 2024 Hello, Enrico, thank you so much for your time, I'm calling the WS directly from the class generated in the SOAP Wizard, we use Caché 2018.1 over here and I did a double check today in the documentation and found a parameter that solve my problem with the prefix.If for any reason you need to change it, just set this parameter into the class generated by the SOAP Wizard.Parameter SOAPPREFIX = "AnythingYouNeed"
go to post Igor Barboza · Apr 21, 2024 I agree with you Enrico, to me It isn't the reason of the error, but I would like to try this change before waiting for a long time te answer of the government support that is really slow over here hehehe. So, there is not a SOAP fault, the system only send a message like "malformed XML" as we forgot some tag or something else, but me and another analyst did a double check and is perfect as the documentation says.
go to post Igor Barboza · Apr 20, 2024 Hello Enrico, so, I want to change the prefix of the Envelope, from SOAP-ENV to SOAP12 and xmlns:s to xmlns:xsd, that is the only stuff that is diferent in the request, in my mind it isn't suppose to be the reason of the rejection, but is my only difference =/.
go to post Igor Barboza · Sep 24, 2021 Hello Vic. Just to let you know, I'd successfully installed the IRIS!!The problem was on the path thar I was trying to install it. I intended to install it on a partition NTFS (I have a Dual Boot into my machine) and it shoud help me to code in both the systems. So I'd choosed other path Into my Linux partition and just use the NFTF partition to all my database, with this I was able to install the IRIS on Ubuntu. Thank you so much for your time.
go to post Igor Barboza · Sep 23, 2021 Hello Vic, I'd tried to do the steps as the documentation said about the temporary path and I'd tried to install from other directory as well. Both had the same result, and the log file "/mnt/WinData/InterSystemsLinux/mgr/messages.log" wasn't created. I guess there's no permissions issues, but i'll check on it again.