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Member since Jul 1, 2016
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My suggestion is to look at the DFI file directly that gets generated behind the scenes in DeepSee if you want to apply a specific color palette across all of your widgets on a dashboard.  I believe that when you apply a theme to a widget, the settings that are specific to the widget will override the theme, so be careful there that you didn't set a theme on a widget that already has specific color overrides set. 

Hope that helps!

Jon Trumble
Senior Consultant, J2 Interactive


If you have Cache Studio installed (by installing either a version of Cache, Ensemble, or Healthshare locally on your system), then open it to the appropriate namespace and go to File->Open, and change the Files of Type to *.DFI.  You'll see a list of files there, in the list are all of your Pivot Tables and Dashboards.  There are other DFI files there, but all of the DeepSee Pivots and Dashboards should also be listed.  The DFI file is basically an XML representation of the definition of the Dasboard / Pivot table for DeepSee.

Jon Trumble
Senior Consultant, J2 Interactive

How is the performance of the dashboard from the User Portal?  In theory, it should be the same. I have seen that one thing that can help is to add the &SETTINGS=FILTER to pre-filter your dashboard to an appropriate timeframe and set of results.  DeepSee does have caching, so subsequent openings of the dashboard should run faster than the first time you open it (as long as you don't do anything to violate the cache such as rebuilding a cube).  The other thing to consider is how much does DeepSee need to draw?  If you aren't pre-filtering and you're showing a chart that has 500 lines on it, and then you apply your filters on the dashboard itself, then you're asking DeepSee to do too much drawing (when you can pre-filter).

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