· Feb 9, 2022
Change UI Locale Code

What is the best way to add an en-uk.json or an en-za.json file to the custum folder, since the default is en-us.json?


Where can I get the json files for UK and Za ?

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0 208
· Dec 2, 2021
Synchronization failed
I need help with resolving this issue of Synchronization failing.

13:55:46.338:HS.Director: Switching to namespace 'MYPORTAL' [Foundation]
13:55:46.450:Ens.Director: Production 'MYPORTALPKG.HSCOMMProduction' starting...
13:55:46.589:....HSCOMMProduction: Table synchronization state: Waiting
13:56:01.604:....HSCOMMProduction: Startup Error 0 =‰Synchronization failed*zOnStart+50^HS.Util.AbstractProduction.1
0 2
0 422

kindly assist with this error, mobile app keeps loading after converting it using Cordova compiler from workbench but the web app is running well.

error message shows this when I check api link on postman:


"errors": [


"code": 5002,

"domain": "%ObjectErrors",

"error": "ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <INVALID OREF>zSetSessionLanguage+7^HSPortal.API.Public.1",

"id": "ObjectScriptError",

"params": [

0 2
0 221
· Nov 21, 2021

Hello, are there any alternative choices for creating forms with a different tool and then integrating them with Intersystems? I want to use Angular to construct forms and integrate the code with Intersystems. Is there anyone out there who might have an idea?

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