Question Joseph Thottungal · Nov 2, 2016 Update the Health Insghts table (HSAA.Patient) based on a changed assigning authority code I have recently updated assigning authority in the Registry . How can I update the existing patient records in Health Insights with new code? (HSAA.Patient.PatientNumbers) #HealthShare 0 3 0 498
Question Joseph Thottungal · Jun 17, 2016 SDA to HS Analytics mapping Hi,I am looking for a mapping from SDA collections to the HS Analytics (HSAA) data model. Specifically HS.SDA3.Container.Observations to the tables (Couldn't find all the fields in HSAA.Observation). Can someone help? ThanksRegardsJoseph Thottungal #Analytics #HealthShare #Mapping 0 1 0 721
Question Joseph Thottungal · Jun 16, 2016 Code sample for looping by creating new instance of the object in DTL Hi,I am trying to use data transformation (DTL) to map a JSON to SDA. My elements in the source JSON is not one to one with SDA object. That means I have to add code to loop through these objects in order to complete the mapping. Can someone send me a sample that can look to create that? I am not very comfortable with scripting language used in Health Share. Appreciate your help.RegardsJoseph #DTL #HealthShare #JSON #Mapping 0 2 0 747