go to post Andy Stobirski · May 23, 2024 I have found those two entries and they are less than two minutes apart. I noticed that the following entries where sitting between them: 05/20/24-11:05:47:140 (7248) 1 [Utility.Event] Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Warning, d:\intersystems\healthconnect\mgr\irislocaldata\ is not being journalled05/20/24-11:05:47:140 (7248) 1 [Utility.Event] Backup.General.ExternalFreeze: Warning, d:\intersystems\healthconnect\mgr\hslib\ is not being journalled I don't know why they weren't journalled, but when I set to be journalled, the error I initially reported has since disappeared.Thanks for your comment, it help me solve my problem.
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 21, 2024 Setting it to %ALL worked. In postman, I'm using basic authorization and am using my standard username / password. That user has the roles %Developer and %EnsRole_Developer, so I'd have expected having those two roles assigned to Application Roles to work or am I misunderstanding how Application Roles work?
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 21, 2024 Hi and thanks for your reply. I do have a webserver, but I didn't think to use it. It is configured as following I haven't configured matching roles, though. When I try to hit the URL http://localhost:52773/v2/PARISCONNECT/PCRest/Hello I get a 403 Forbidden, which is an improvement, but after fiddling with the settings I can't access it.
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 21, 2024 UPDATEI was making a mistake - the file I was using was is the empty schema. I needed something that contains valid content, such as the example given here. When used that file, the Rest Command Line Interface Worked correctly.
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 21, 2024 Hi Ashok, thanks for your reply and link, which was very interesting. I have checked the swagger document and it appears to contain the correct value though: "properties": { "swagger": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "2.0" ], "description": "The Swagger version of this document." } }
go to post Andy Stobirski · Nov 15, 2023 Thank's for your reply - that did the trick! I did discover the $ZCONVERT command, but it never worked for me as I was converting to CP1252 (ANSII) and not UTF-8 as you did! Don't know why I did that 😐!
go to post Andy Stobirski · Nov 14, 2023 That's for your prompt reply. I can't post anything without editing text and changing XML structure as it's patient confidential data from a proprietary system. I'll look into what I can do.I can answer a few though: XML Character Encoding is declared as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> This is the XPATH I'm using //code salient points #dim tDocument as %XML.XPATH.Document Set tSC=##class(%XML.XPATH.Document).CreateFromString(pXML,.tDocument) Set tSC=tDocument.EvaluateExpression(pContext, pExpression,.tResults) The XML response is being retrieved in the form of a string from Operation with an EnsLib.SOAP.OutboundAdapter adapater, and here's the salient code // Salient code set ..Adapter.WebServiceURL = ..URL Set ..Adapter.WebServiceClientClass = "rocessMessageSoap" Set tSC = ..Adapter.InvokeMethod("ProcessMessage",.ProcessMessageResult,tRequestMessage.requestMessageXml) Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC Set tSC = tRequestMessage.NewResponse(.pResponse) Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC Set pResponse.ProcessMessageResult=$get(ProcessMessageResult) //where pResponse.ProcessMessageResult contains the XML response we are analysing
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jun 30, 2023 Hi Thanks for your reply. I never considered the ISCAgent, as disabling the service will be enough, but better safe than sorry. Cheers Andy
go to post Andy Stobirski · Mar 22, 2023 It turns out there was a whitespace in my code which I hadn't noticed, so that code works. Thanks for taking the time to reply. So, that solves one problem. The source data can have many different values for xsi:type, so how to take that into account@?
go to post Andy Stobirski · Mar 21, 2023 Yes I did, I change the class Field to the following and compiled? Is this correct? Class Field Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor) { Parameter XMLNAME = "Field"; Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://www.civica.co.uk/ParisConnect/ConnectXml/1.0/Messaging"; // Property Type As %String(XMLNAME = "xsi:type", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE"); Parameter XMLTYPE = "UDFLookupFieldInstance"; Property Suffix As %String(XMLNAME = "Suffix", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE"); Property Description As %String(XMLNAME = "Description", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE"); Property ID As %String(XMLNAME = "ID", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE"); Property Value As %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLNAME = "Value"); } The same error is produced. In my original post I did mention that that xsi:value can be anything, so assuming I made a mistake what would I need to do to this into account?
go to post Andy Stobirski · Mar 20, 2023 Hi Alexander Thanks for the reply, but your suggestion didn't work. Andy
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 24, 2023 That did the trick! Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I noticed that the String Quote is only applied if the specified delimeter is contained within the text field - it universally applied.
go to post Andy Stobirski · Jan 23, 2023 Thanks for the reply Set mgr.StringQuote = """" That didn't work. This is my table class Class GMECC.DocmanConnect.Tables.ConnectDocs Extends %Persistent{ Property StatusCode As %Integer; Property DocumentType As %String(MAXLEN = 100); Property StatusLastUpdated As %DateTime; Property Closed as %Library.Boolean; }
go to post Andy Stobirski · Dec 1, 2022 Hi Vitaliy - I'm using IRIS 2021.1 - I made a mistake in my original post.
go to post Andy Stobirski · Nov 30, 2022 In both tables, they are the same - they are down a %TimeStamp in the underlying classes.