We have the following code, but recently had a few issues with messages sent to downstream systems being rejected.
After investigating, seems that the message being sent is being truncated, the RawContent that we are pulling from Ens.EnsLib_HL7.Message only has the first 10k of the message

We are storing message body IDs in a table, then when we receive later messages, we look up the corresponding record in the table,
extract the message and alter some fields from the saved message based on the received message and send onto downstream systems

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· Aug 3, 2020
Variables in Global Name

I have a number of globals I want to loop through depending on a passed in string...






I am passing in a string of "A:C:D"

Piecing that to pull out A,C,D, then want to use that to pull out A,C,D from above, but having problems setting the name of the global to be the name of the variable I have pulled out of the string

How do I set this?

I have tried ^varname("SYSTEM")

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