Cache 2010.2 does not support Java 7:

You'll need to use an older version of Java or a newer version of Caché.

Note: Java 7 was released in July 2011, so obviously we couldn't support it a year before its release.

P.S. Sorry it took you so long to get an answer!  If ever you need something more quickly, please feel free to contact the WRC at  




Class Jiri.RegisteredObject extends %RegisteredObject {

Property p1;

Property p2;





SAMPLES>s j=##class(Jiri.RegisteredObject).%New()

SAMPLES>s j.p1="test"

SAMPLES>s j.p2="json"

SAMPLES>w ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(.stream,j)


SAMPLES>w stream.Read()







I'm pretty sure you need to return an oref to get this working.  Here's one that I was able to get working:

Class Sample.SerialGet Extends %Persistent {
Property Address as Sample.Address [calculated];

Method AddressGet() as Sample.Address {  
    set a=##class(Sample.Address).%New()  
    set a.City="Cambridge"  
    set a.State="MA"  
    set a.Zip="02142"  
    set a.Street="1 Memorial Drive"  
    quit a


SAMPLES>s reader=##class(%XML.Reader).%New()

SAMPLES>w reader.OpenFile("/users/kbaxter/downloads/testopensinglequote.xml")


SAMPLES>s x=##class(Sample.SerialGet).%New()

SAMPLES>w x.Address


SAMPLES>w x.Address.Street

1 Memorial Drive

Caché does NOT support SQL-92 in its full implementation, so please refrain from saying so.  Example:

SELECT 3+3*3

Result: 18

Clearly, by not following order of operations we are violating the standard.  Moreover, despite not conforming perfectly to SQL-92 we do support plenty of extensions, such as Table-Valued Functions.

That said, Caché does not support WITH in the way you describe.  However, you can accomplish the same thing by using subqueries, VIEWs, or multiple queries.  You can also JOIN each record with its parent and filter on that.  If you give some more information I'd be happy to point you in the right direction.

Well, that's a new one.  

Do you have Long Strings enabled on this installation?  If not, you should.  It will fix this problem, but also increases the max size a string can be from 32KB to something like 3.1MB, which allows a lot more flexibility in your development decisions.  But that's another thing.

To delete your query history you can run the following code in Caché terminal:

NSP>k ^%sqlcq("NSP","SMPQueryHistory")

Where NSP is the name of your namespace that's having this problem.  You can also clear history from the Management Portal, though I expect you cannot get there with this error. Let me know if this works - if not I would advise you to open a new WRC issue by going to, emailing, or calling 617-621-0700.  If you're lucky, you might even get to talk to me! :-)

When I want to run a bunch of statements I find it easier to open the SQL Shell and parameterize the queries.  Like so:


SQL Command Line Shell


The command prefix is currently set to: <<nothing>>.

Enter q to quit, ? for help.

SAMPLES>>update sample.person set name=? where name=?

1. update sample.person set name=? where name=?

Enter the value for parameter '1': Kyle

Enter the value for parameter '2': Tester

executing statement with parameter values: set %tResult=%tStatement.%Execute("'Kyle'","'Test'")

1Rows Affected

statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.1260s/4915/70580/0ms

          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0033s/10/110/0ms

                          cached query class: %sqlcq.SAMPLES.cls14



     1. update sample.person set name=? where name=?


update sample.person set name=? where name=?

1. update sample.person set name=? where name=?

Enter the value for parameter '1': Sexy Ginger God

Enter the value for parameter '2': Kyle

executing statement with parameter values: set %tResult=%tStatement.%Execute("'Sexy Ginger God'","Kyle")

1 Rows Affected

statement prepare time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0002s/5/98/0ms

          execute time(s)/globals/lines/disk: 0.0002s/5/113/0ms

                          cached query class: %sqlcq.SAMPLES.cls14



Some notes:

           1) Note that entering the hash/pound/tic-tac-toe sign (#) gives you a list of statements that have been run

           2) You can run these statements by following that sign with the number.  So #1 runs the first statement from this session (it's actually saved by process)

           3) Parameterized queries do not need quotes, and can be easily rerun

           4) Not allowing multiple statements per line is a way to help us be more resilient against SQL Injection attacks (that said, parametrization is still key).

The second option will be faster because we don't need to take in the whole object and put it into memory.  The first option does have to do that.  Here's a quick test that shows the second way is faster:

SAMPLES>s ts = $P($ZTS,",",2) f i=1:1:100000 { s name= ##class(Sample.Person).NameGetStored(1) } w "Time: "_(($P($ZTS,",",2))-ts)

Time: .139673

SAMPLES>s ts = $P($ZTS,",",2) f i=1:1:100000 { s p= ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1) s name=p.Name } w "Time: "_(($P($ZTS,",",2))-ts)

Time: .504776

Now, if you want to go SUPER-fast, you can skip all this objects mumbo-jumbo and get that info right from the global:

SAMPLES>s ts = $P($ZTS,",",2) f i=1:1:100000 { s name = $LG(^Sample.PersonD(1),2)} w "Time: "_(($P($ZTS,",",2))-ts)

Time: .029287

However, this has no safeguards built in, and should only be used for your most dire of performance needs.  

Hi Scott,

Nope!  The issue here is probably caching.  While things are in memory they are fast, and it is slow when they have to get off of disk. So when you get the next 100,000 rows you need to read data off of the disk and that takes some time.  If everything is in memory or on disk then you might get a proportional increase.

Hi David,

Well you're in luck, because you're almost done!  First you have to link the table.  To do this go to the Management Portal: System Explorer->SQL.  Then go to Actions->Linked Table Wizard.   Choose the SQL Gateway connection from the drop down and choose your table.  Go through the couple of screens where you can normally accept the defaults.  

Once you link a table, then you can interact with it as if it were local!  That is, you can pretend the table is not linked, and use the SQL and/or Object access you're used to in Caché, and access the data in the remote tables.   If you are having ANY trouble with this, contact the WRC and one of us will be happy to walk you through the procedure.

I want to take a moment here and advise you to be very careful with iKnow.  iKnow is NOT a solution, it is a way for you to develop your own solutions (much like Caché and Ensemble, actually).  While iKnow can give structure to your free text fields, it cannot tell you what to do with that information once you gather it.  So before implementing iKnow and developing a solution, you need to know what it is you want to look for, the purpose of putting the iKnow structure on your data, and what you are going to display or show off once you get it.