go to post Kyle Baxter · Jun 14, 2017 I think it is important to remember that Row Level Security typically results in worse performance. It is better to create a VIEW and give your users access to the VIEW instead of going through this exercise.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Jun 10, 2017 Arockia,This sounds like something you might want to discuss with the WRC (which is what I do!). You will need to send over a sample table and some test data showing the problem and we'll be able to sort you out in no time. Cheers!Kyle
go to post Kyle Baxter · Jun 8, 2017 I'm unsure, exactly, what you're trying to do here. You could write a Stored Procedure that returns the value of a global pretty easily. If you need to run code before connecting via ODBC you can use "init code" set up via the $SYSTEM.SQL.SetServerInitCode() API. I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, though.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Jun 5, 2017 So the problem here was likely that you either didn't have the method as an Expression or you weren't QUITting a value. If you have a method that you intend to use as a Webmethod (SOAP method) then you must return a value. Your options are: Method AddInteger(Arg1 As %Integer, Arg2 As %Integer) As %Integer [ WebMethod, Codemode=Expression ] { Arg1 + Arg2 } or Method AddInteger(Arg1 As %Integer, Arg2 As %Integer) As %Integer [ WebMethod ] { QUIT Arg1 + Arg2 } I'd guess you weren't quitting out the value.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Jun 2, 2017 Wellll technically NULL is a valid value for all datatypes. I think what you want to do is to interrogate the metadata information which you can do like so: SAMPLES>s stmt=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New() SAMPLES>w stmt.%Prepare("SELECT ID,Name FROM Sample.Person") 1 SAMPLES>w stmt.%Metadata.%Display() (You'll get lots of output) Note that you can do this even without running the query! You can look at %SQL.StatementMetadata in the Class Reference for more methods and properties that can help you. Note 2 - Sean's method is also perfectly valid. The only advantage to mine is that you don't have to run the query.
go to post Kyle Baxter · May 30, 2017 I agree with Mark. If you do not understand his response and/or if you still have questions, I invite you to open an issue at wrc.intersystems.com and the Support Team will help you get to the bottom of this.
go to post Kyle Baxter · May 10, 2017 While I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do here as MLLP is a bit foreign to me, the CSP Gateway is just a module added onto a web server. If you can get the setup you want with a webserver, you can use the CSP Gateway to talk to Caché/Ensemble/HealthShare . What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? What's your goal?
go to post Kyle Baxter · May 10, 2017 That's fine - dynamic SQL has only a small overhead in comparison to embedded SQL. If you need free-text search, might I recommend iFind? Quick article here:https://community.intersystems.com/post/free-text-search-way-search-your...you do need an iKnow enabled license, but this should work on %Text fields.
go to post Kyle Baxter · May 10, 2017 If by the 'Web Services testing part' you mean a page like this:http://localhost:57772/csp/samples/SOAP.Demo.clsThat doesn't even use SOAP, it uses an HTML form submission to run the method directly. What that page does is test the logic of your webservice methods in a simple way, to make sure your desired inputs give the desired outputs. You should use something like SoapUI if you want to more completely test your SOAP methods.
go to post Kyle Baxter · May 10, 2017 This is not documented because we don't want new development using this kind of storage (which we call "SQL Strorage"). We'd much prefer you to use the standard storage strategy that you get for free when creating classes. If you look at Brendan's 5th (of 3) articles, you'll see a link with the text "Get the Examples here" where you can download some examples (if that works, the link will be here as well). Again, if you can avoid doing this, I recommend using standard storage.If you run into any problems or if you have any questions, I strongly suggest you contact the WRC.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Apr 25, 2017 How does it connect - via ODBC/JDBC or is there another connection mechanism?
go to post Kyle Baxter · Apr 20, 2017 Using the macros is a bad idea. The changes to the JSON, especially in this case, are simple. Any source control system worth its salt is going to be able to make nearly all of the changes for you automatically. As far as I know the only change that can't be caught by find-and-replace is the one requiring COS expressions embedded within JSON to have parentheses. In this case, the new syntax is supported in 2016.1 JSON, so you wouldn't even need to change that. Because of the ease of change, the fact that the change only needs to happen once, and the code obfuscation that occurs when adding macros, I do not think using them is a good idea for anyone planning to use Caché's native JSON implementation. Edit: It occurs to me that the macros would be useful if you have to switch back and forth between 2016.1 and later versions over and over again, but to do the conversion once is too simple to bother with macros.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Apr 18, 2017 Are you using a trigger generator or writing your own code? Can you send the whole trigger definition for review?
go to post Kyle Baxter · Apr 1, 2017 There is no such command. I would recommend moving the index global as well. However, if this is not an option then you probably want to do something like: USER>s sql="select Name from %Dictionary.CompiledClass where system=0 and NOT(Name %Startswith '%') AND SUPER [ 'Persistent'" USER>s rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,sql) USER>while rs.%Next() { s sc= $classmethod(rs.%GetData(1),"%BuildIndices") w "Built "_rs.%GetData(1)_" with return code = "_sc,! } Obviously this is kind of hacked together and you'll want to clean it up, but the outline is there. I had to make some assumptions like you don't have any other classes in your application that have 'Persistent' in them. If you do then you'll want (Super [ '%Library.Persistent' OR Super [ '%Persistent'). Since classes are case sensitive this should be fine.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Mar 30, 2017 Triggers are fired after data normalization and validation. Do you think you can/should use your own datatypes, overriding the Normalize or LogicalToDisplay/DisplayToLogical functions. If that doesn't make sense you could have a field calculated off of the stored data? There are lots of options here, the best one is going to depend strongly on the goals you have for the project.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Mar 23, 2017 These answers are all sufficient. However, perhaps a more natural solution is to make the field of type %Date. Then you can use the SelectMode to determine how the date is represented in a query. For instance, look at the DOB field in Sample.Person (in the SAMPLES) namespace. The storage looks like this:^Sample.PersonD(1)=$lb(","Waterman,Brenda Z.","437-96-2023",36088,...)Here we see the ID (1) the Name ("Waterman,Brenda Z.") the SSN (437-96-2023), and the DOB (36088). If you want to see the data you can do the following:--------------------------------------------------------------SELECT Name,DOB FROM Sample.Person WHERE ID=1Name DOBWaterman,Brenda Z. 36088--------------------------------------------------------------If we wanted to see that in a readable format, we can change the selectmode and get:--------------------------------------------------------------Name DOBWaterman,Brenda Z. 1939-10-22--------------------------------------------------------------Moreover, you can use this in the WHERE clause very naturally:--------------------------------------------------------------SELECT Name,DOB FROM Sample.Person WHERE DOB='1939-10-22'Name DOBWaterman,Brenda Z. 1939-10-22Underman,Jane V. 1939-10-22Bush,Susan E. 1939-10-22--------------------------------------------------------------The way to change the selectmode is going to depend on how you are running your query. All queries that come through xDBC are in ODBC mode, so that's easy. If you are running a dynamic SQL statement you can do:s stmt.%SelectMode=1 Possible values are:0 for LOGICAL mode.1 for ODBC mode.2 for DISPLAY mode.If you are using embedded SQL, you can use the precompiler directive #SQLCompile select=<value> as outlined here:http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...
go to post Kyle Baxter · Mar 18, 2017 Eduard is right, you should use GREATEST in this case. CASE statements are kind of sloppy, and while they are fine to use, I like to avoid them in order to keep the query as readable as possible.More to your other points, you can find a list of valid SQL functions here:http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=...Note that all $-functions are not SQL Standard and will only work with Caché (most likely), so if you are interested in database agnosticism then try to use one of the more standard functions. Good luck! -Kyle
go to post Kyle Baxter · Feb 24, 2017 Yup!DELETE FROM Sample.Person where (ID # 2) = 0 --Deletes all even numbered rows (so you know I'm not cheating and using ID numbers)select * from (select id,name,ssn from sample.person) where %vid between 11 and 20 %VID is a special variable in Cache SQL (VIEW ID, I think?) which allows you limit your rows without too much trouble. And alternative is the following:select TOP 10 ID,Name,SSN from Sample.Person where ID NOT IN (SELECT TOP 10 ID FROM Sample.Person)The first TOP gives you your page size, and the subquery's TOP gives you where to start (in this case, we start at 11, because we're ignoring the first 10). You can dynamically put in the sizes for TOP.
go to post Kyle Baxter · Feb 15, 2017 SIMPLEST? %String, definitely. You can even use the ['whatsup@doc.com' syntax to search if you have to. Using List of %String is a messy way to do anything in the relational world. If you do need to index them later, I'm pretty sure you can use iFind to do this without too much trouble (although you would need a new license, potentially).