· Oct 13, 2022
Lisence usage suddenly spikes

Sometimes, our available license will drop and upon close inspection, it is caused by one or two users occupying 50 or so licenses, and we believe that if there were more, they were all gonna be used up. This occurs randomly. As is illustrated in the following figure.

Out cache version is 2016.1. It is serving a health care web application. Our web browsers are exclusively IE-11.

0 6
0 305

According to the IRIS documentation, once a user id is identified, at lease one license will remain (forever if I understand it correcly). The documentation says "even if the number of processes under the user ID drops back under the maximum, InterSystems IRIS continues to allocate one license unit per process for that user ID. Only when all connections by the user ID are closed and there are no more processes under the user ID does license allocation reset to one unit for that user ID."

0 4
0 378