Neither option seem to work. We hope to within the next few months get up to date with our healthshare environment. 

Nothing in the Production def left over 

When try the set and write for either line of code when on default returns nothing 

When i change it off default it works- but as this changes between environments want to be keeping this as a system defualt

Thanks for this the outcome was:

There was a field with nulls or 0's that must not have been in our development environment (guess). This could be seen by looking at the D Global for the table in the globals this value or viewing SQL in logical mode. The option would have been for us-

-Remove new row info add back in the old column and add the new one 

-Accept the mistake and set value to null for the old data 

We went with the later. The code that used to set this old field also seemed to not be in our dev or live environment nor this column that was overwritten being any use. Just a lesson in check your code when you're overwritting, check the class definition for a table especially the bit at the end with the words Value ect that explain the order of the data, look at the GlobalD for the class as well to see the data stored in a comma seperated value. 

It's still not right. Might just use $length as can't figure it out

set LastChecked= docs.RelayedDocuments.GetAt(1).StatusLastChecked
$$$TRACE("Date Added "_docs.RelayedDocuments.GetAt(1).DateAdded)
$$$TRACE("Date Last Checked "_docs.RelayedDocuments.GetAt(1).StatusLastChecked)
$$$TRACE("LastChecked value is: '" _ LastChecked _ "', compare: " _ (LastChecked="undefined"))
if LastChecked= "" {$$$TRACE("blank")
}else{$$$TRACE("not blank " _$LENGTH(LastChecked) )}
if $L(LastChecked)<2 {$$$TRACE("Blank")}

might just use the length as at least it does work (length when blank was 1) 

Hi Eduard. Sorry my bad for not including that in my original snippet my full snippet is 

#dim docs As Penn.EDT.XML.RelayedDocument
// docs now contains our results. Create a EDT document message for each
for i=1:1:docs.RelayedDocuments.Count() {
set LastChecked= ""
set LastChecked= docs.RelayedDocuments.GetAt(i).StatusLastChecked
if LastChecked="undefined" {$$$TRACE("Gotcha")}

The LastChecked value trace prints out "undefined" as per the screenshot but if i say if Lastchecked="undefined" it doesn't work. Should see the trace Gotcha before it prints out the last checked date 

Thanks on further testing it looks like E=S was added to a business  operation that called a sync request to another business operation as well as the one that was being called from the business  Process. As the BPL sync call is an a-syncronous call with a sync block after simply adding this to the business  operation that is called from BPL will do the job. Previously when this was tested the endpoint system was still down. This should be a more out of the box way to do the suspend queues. 

I have a call to an ITK sender.

The target Operation may fail. 

it goes to a Wrapper object to send to an ITK

It is a sync request so want basically  the business process to continue on where there is an error but to be retrying any failed messages again in an hours time. Trying any E=RS on the operations caused the BP to not accept any more messages in I think due to the suspension.


The file gets automatically archived using the archive path. It gets passed to a bp which then validates the filename and then copies the document to a working directory before it converts the document to a tiff file. It fails as it tries to copy the file to the working directory. 

I do assume it is a fileshare availability/network issue but it is something we need contigency for to minimise manual intervention. 

Have logged to WRC. 
