Hello everybody!

Two times reinstalled Cache from CachePCkit_x64 file, but Cache cube didn't appear anywhere.

Toshiba P55W-C with Windows 10 home. 

As far as I understood I could it start manually by going to


and issuing 

cstart TRYCACHE - to start Cache Db

cstop TRYCACHE - to stop it.

I can see running server and get connected to the Db via CacheStudio. 


1 - How to get connected via Terminal?  

2 - Is there any "getting started" manual on code manipulation in Cache? (In old-fashioned style of "Hello World!" example)

3 - Why "Cache cube" - did not appear after installation?  

4 -  When I click on C:\InterSystems\TryCache\bin\cache.exe it shows pop-up window with a message: 

<Cache startup error. Cache not up (2)

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.