Question Peter Monteiro · Aug 2, 2022 Adding multiple rows to a projected SQL table - Persistent Object Hi I'm trying to add multiple rows at a time to a SQL table for a persistent object, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct. When I try the below it doesn't work. INSERT INTO Sample_Table.Accounts (Account, AccountName, Bank) VALUES ('123456', 'AccountNameOne', 'BANK1'), ('654321', 'AccountNameTwo', 'BANK2') Thanks Peter #SQL #InterSystems IRIS 0 1 0 205
Question Peter Monteiro · Feb 18, 2022 Reading the header information from a SOAP outbound adapter call After invoking a SOAP call in a SOAP Outbound Adapter Operation, how do we get the header information? For example, the HTTP 200 response code. In SoapUI we can read the header information, but we're trying to view it in Production. #SOAP #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 383
Question Peter Monteiro · Feb 9, 2022 Inbound SOAP Service WSDL - incorrect portType name For our WSDL the portType value is being suffixed with "Soap" at the end. When i update the the SERVICENAME parameter. in the Service I can update the start of the portType value. Is there a way to prevent the suffix being added? WSDL segment #ObjectScript #SOAP #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 368
Question Peter Monteiro · Oct 20, 2021 Trace XML objects When I put a trace on a datastream that is a JSON object, I use the .%ToJSON(). Is there an equivalent to working with XML objects to view in the trace? #XML #InterSystems IRIS 0 3 0 280