Probably you can have your document limit listed in a lookup table to begin with, lets say Limit = 100 to begin with.

Then within your business process, add an if-else section, where the test condition is to evaluate current time against the XXXX and YYYY times you have in mind. If the current time is within your XXXX and YYYY, plus the limit is > 0 from the lookup table, you send the document and decrease the lookup table value by 1. 

On the else condition, you just send the document without checking the limit value from the table, but update the lookup table again to your limit (100).

The key here is accessing and updating the lookup table value from within your business process.

Hope this makes sense.

You can create a custom schema based on the current schema you have listed in your business service that reads the file.

Once you have the custom schema, if its a specific ADT message you need the NTE segment on, then can create that message type from the base schema and edit the Doc Type Structure by putting ~[NTE] at the end of the raw structure.

Hi Scott,

So rather than having one centralised location for webserver and web gateway, which could become your single point of failure, you install the webserver and web gateway alongside Healthconnect on the actual instances.

And when you configure the individual web gateway, for telling it which instance of HealthConnect it needs to connect, just specify it as localhost and your superserver port on that instance.

When you give the server access parameters, enter IP Address as localhost ( and port as your superserver port of the instance and do not check "Configuration is Mirror Aware".



Hi Warren,

We also have a similar situation, this not limited to FTP adapter, it is there on Email and SQL adapter as well, where you don't get an option on the config to choose the local interface (VIP in this).

I think the short term solution we have been suggested from Intersystems is to allow both your mirror member IP addresses through the firewall, yet to test it though how it will play out with NAT.

Probably, Intersystems will come up with a solution maybe in next couple of months to support this configuration of local interface natively on the adapter classes.


Deepak Ghansala

I think IRIS uses Apache httpd as its webserver, so probably go through this first.

And this link to figure out how to enable https on a certain port in httpd

Probably should also think around performance and scalability of httpd and raise a call with WRC for their opinion on this.


Deepak Ghansala