go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 3, 2022 I've not tried in this specific combination but potentially wrapping the field in %External(Field) might give you the correct result.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Apr 29, 2022 could consider $Translate(Var,",","^") but I've not used it in the context in your example though
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Apr 26, 2022 You can potentially use a $ListToString(.. or LIST(... or some other similar option in Sql to extract the values as part of the query and avoid the special characters.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Apr 22, 2022 maybe try adding %NOINDEX to your where clauses in case you have an index issue.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Jun 22, 2021 It gives you a greater degree of control compared to some languages. I'm not aware that many other languages have a sort thats particularly more sophisticated in reality its probably doing the same just 'under the covers' as theyre higher level than objectscript. The alternative is to pass the data out to whatever front end you're using and have it sort prior to displaying but then most likely its the client doing that work rather than your server.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Jun 21, 2021 We've previously passed the data into new indices to utilise the auto sorting nature of the objectscript arrays, using a number based or alphabetical index depending on how we're hoping to organise the data. eg. s NewData(Data(Key,"Name")) = Data(Key) With object classes or mapped globals we tend to use the sql queries to sort the data as required lately. There are the json and dynamic arrays that can be used for collection / array data storage.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · Jun 15, 2021 We use both depending on the situation. VS Code is more modern and certainly better for Git and Merge tools than Studio but it doesn't have all the abilities of Studio that I've found, global storage properties etc. We've found VS Code doesn't handle physical files as well as Studio at least for InterSystems so its unfriendly when using CSPs that are version controlled.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 27, 2021 That sounds quite hopeful, do they communicate between each other out of interest?
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 27, 2021 At present, each namespace is an entirely separate self contained system. We'd like each to better represent being like the live setup so that apps in development and testing environments behave how they would when going live if you see what I mean. Maybe a scaled down test would be the best approach to see if it has any major problems.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 19, 2021 For us it will be scanned documents (to create a more complete picture of a patients record in one place) so we can estimate a few of the constants involved to test how it will perform under load.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 18, 2021 I agree, for our own trust we'll most likely go with Stream. However I've suggested we plan to build both options for customers but we'll just reference the links to files and then they can implement back up etc as they see fit.
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 18, 2021 Hi Rob, what factors play a part in this though, we'd only be retrieving a single file at a time (per user session obviously) and the boxes have around 96gb-128gb memory each (2 app, 2 db) if that has any effect on your answer?
go to post Matthew Waddingham · May 18, 2021 Thank you all for your input, they're all sound reasoning that I can agree with.