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Member since Aug 17, 2015
In 2016.1, we added several methods to %DeepSee.Utils to get and execute MDX from a pivot table:
- %GetMDXFromPivot(): returns MDX text for a pivot table. Optionally executes the query.
- %ExecutePivot(): executes the MDX for a pivot table. Optionally returns the associated %DeepSee.ResultSet.
- %GetResultSetFromPivot(): returns the %DeepSee.ResultSet for a pivot table. Optionally executes the query.
For details, see the class reference for %DeepSee.Utils.
Yes, a Listing Group can target multiple cubes, but it only makes sense if the cubes have the same source class.
The targetCubes attribute can be a comma-separated list of cube names.
Also, the Listing Group Manager lets you select multiple target cubes:
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Here is another example of getting the top N and showing the percentage of the total using the HoleFoods cube in SAMPLES.
To get the top N with Analyzer, you need to both sort the values in descending order and specify the value for N.
First I added Outlet.H1.Country to the Rows box,
Then I clicked the gear icon to the right of "Country" in Rows box, which invokes the Level Options dialog.
The highlighted red box shows the sorting by descending Revenue and returning the first N members.
These settings combined will show you the top 10 countries by Revenue.
There are several ways to get the percentage of the total with a calculated member (measure).
Evgeny's answer is one way.
Here is different expression that uses %ALL:
Another expression that uses %MDX to get the same result:
Here is the calculated member dialog in Analyzer using the first expression.
Here is the result: