Article AndreClaude Gendron · Sep 19, 2017 1m read UnitTest : A Mocking Framework for InterSystems objectscript classes. It is with great pleasure that the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS is sharing the mocking framework it developed and presented at the InterSystems Summit 2017. I will update this post with more detailed instructions in the next few weeks but I wanted to share the code and presentation quickly : #Continuous Integration #Global Summit 2017 #ObjectScript #Testing #Global Summit 11 14 1 2K
Question AndreClaude Gendron · Apr 19, 2016 Unable to store (or rather retrieve) OREF in globals - Trying to create a Singleton Class. We are trying to create a simple class extending %RegisteredObject that could be used as a singleton. However we are not able to store it in a global to later be retrieved (by the same process but elsewhere in the code).I resumed my issue in this small code sample : #Globals #Object Data Model #ObjectScript #Caché 1 8 0 880