Question Vermon Ferre · Mar 11, 2024 Reusing and editing recordmaps in studio I have a fixed width complex recordmap that is an older version of a file format. I am trying to retool it to fit the latest version. The old recordmap has almost 500 entries on it and the new version has a few more fields added along with changes to some field lengths. Adding a new field adds it at the end of the recordmap and moving it from field 490 to field 139 is a painful process. Is there an easier way of doing this? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 1 0 128
Question Vermon Ferre · Feb 28, 2024 Installation hangs I had some issues with my install so I tried removing the software using Windows Add/Remove programs but it just froze. It messed up my install and now I can't access the SMP. I tried reinstalling using the same commands I did on first install but it froze again. There were no logs in the installdir that was created. Windows log just shows install started. #HealthShare 0 5 0 189
Question Vermon Ferre · Aug 17, 2022 Use codesets to normalize display Hello, We currently use codesets to normalize NDC code descriptions in our clinical viewer. Lately, we have started receiving RXNORM codes and they were only displaying the codes in the viewer and not the descriptions. After a short investigation, I found that the RXNORM codeset in the registry was empty. After filling this up, it still didn't resolve the description of the drug. The SDACodingStandard in the SDA is an OID and I see it in the OID registry and does point to RXNORM. #HealthShare 0 2 0 316
Question Vermon Ferre · Dec 9, 2020 Connecting to SFTP using only a private key I am trying to connect to an external SFTP. They have our public key and I have the private key which is password protected. I have the credentials set to the sftp username and the password to the private key. If I set the private key only, I get a username/password error connecting. If I set both the public and private key files, I get the error below: ERROR #7510: SSH Error '-19': SSH Error [80101013]: Callback returned error [80101013] at Session.cpp:418,0 #Caché 0 4 0 3.9K