I was having trouble with some dimension based calculated members defined in Analyzer. They would work and then not work. At one point I had two identical calculated measures, same code, same specification and one would work and one would not. I was trying to set them up in "shared storage", that checkbox in the calculated member dialog that should allow the measures to be used across multiple pivots.

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In addition to charts on a dashboard we have a request to have a crosstab which would be populated by some entries queried out of an error log. It's basically a detail query with mostly text data. I have tried making a pivot widget for this using both a cube and kpi source, and while succeeding with the KPI, it leaves a lot to be desired.

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How do we return a member from a set? For example if I want a calculated measure to return the NAME of the date with the max transactions, to get the set ordered I might do something like:

ORDER([TransactionDate].[YearMonthDate].[Date].MEMBERS, [Measures].[TransactionCount], DESC)

But how do I access the first member in the set as a member so that I can get to the properties such as the member NAME (what I want to return in this case)?

In some MDX implementations like Microsoft there are kind of backdoor functions for this like:

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Is it supported to be able to use member functions to define a set, in particular a set defined with a member range in the form:

set = member1:member2?

The docs only show hardcoded values being used for member1 and member2 and I can get it to work if I use hardcoded values. However if I try to use member functions it throws an error:

"ERROR #5001: Both parts of a range must be members"

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