Question Anthony Breen · Jan 26, 2021 IMAP Email Adapter Hi, I need to create a Business Service that connects too and processes emails via IMAP. Has anyone done a similar task and if so, can they provide advice? There is inbuilt support for POP3 (POP3 adapter) but not for IMAP. Thanks. Anthony Breen #Ensemble 0 2 0 315
Question Anthony Breen · Nov 19, 2020 How to read an attachment file that is part of an attached email Hi, I'm processing POP3 emails using the standard EnsLib.EMail.InboundAdapter adapter and %Net.MailMessage. I'm basically processing documents that are attached to received emails. This works fine if the document is simply attached to the email itself. But some systems are sending documents that are attached to an attached email which has content-type = message/rfc822. How do I get the attached file from the attached email? #Business Service #ObjectScript #Ensemble 0 3 0 733
Question Anthony Breen · Oct 12, 2020 MESH integration to send Documents to GP's. Hi, I've successfully installed and configured the custom MESH API supplied by intersystems. I'm able to send HTML rendered documents directly to GP's using Kettering.xml. Ideally, I'd like to be able to send PDF/RTF files rather than HTML. Is this possible and if so can I still use Kettering xml? I know FHIR is the preferred method of transmission but i've tried sending a test FHIR message through MESH to EMIS but it's not displaying so I'm not sure if EMIS is able to display FHIR formatted messages. Thanks. Anthony Breen #FHIR #HealthShare 0 21 0 1.3K