Question Orlando Lagman · Nov 28, 2023 Studio 2023.1.0 Build Question on watch/output panel InterSystems Studio Client 2023.1.0 Build 229 I closed my watch and output panels. and I am trying to reopen. I tried using Alt-2, Alt-3 and it is higlighting /unhighlighting the appropiate icons yet panels are not displaying. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Orlando I #Studio #InterSystems IRIS 0 0 0 156
Question Orlando Lagman · Jan 14, 2021 Saving image data from csp I created a csp that will capture image data from a html canvas element. I created a button element to save the contents as a dataURL string from jpeg and make a server call. the string is too long I would appreciate any suggestions in saving the data into the server, currently just a global. #CSP #Caché 0 2 0 376
Question Orlando Lagman · Jan 16, 2020 debugging web client I used the soap wizard to create a web client based on the wsdl. I was able to get a valid response back, and now it looks like the error is in decrypting the soap message response "inbound" ERROR #6284: Security header error: SecurityTokenUnavailable. #Security #SOAP #Caché 0 1 0 537
Question Orlando Lagman · Jan 15, 2020 How can a custom soap header element be signed? Working on a project to call a web service and the soap header has custom header elements that need to be signed. i reviewed the and didn't see any appropriate macro EBS and IDP elements need to be signed here's a provided header sample this a sample output that I created. #SOAP #Caché 0 1 0 334