Question Meenakshi Shanmugam · Jul 16, 2020 Describe table in Cache db What is the sql command to describe table in cache db. #Databases #SQL #Caché 0 3 1 2K
Question Meenakshi Shanmugam · Jul 15, 2020 TO_CHAR Function not working for 12/31/1840 in Cache DB Hi, Below To_Char function is not working as expected SELECT TO_CHAR('12/31/1840','mm/dd/yyyy') ---01/12/1841 I expect the result to be 12/31/1840. Let me know If there are any suggestion to get the correct result. Thanks, Meena #Databases #Caché 0 8 0 500
Question Meenakshi Shanmugam · Jul 14, 2020 Getting Fatal error in Date Column in cache db Hi, I am getting below error in date column in a table. I am unable to query data or find distinct or to_char on this column. Select distinct column name from table Select column name from table Select To_Char(column name) from table Table has 3923509 rows. Could someone help me how can I identify bad data in this table? Any idea how we can avoid this error? #Databases #Caché 0 7 0 351
Question Meenakshi Shanmugam · Jul 3, 2020 Need help in using Regex in Cache DB SQL Hi, Could someone help me in identifying all characters in a column is whole number 0 or greater CASE WHEN '123' %MATCHES '[0-9]*' then 'VALID' else 'INVALID' end The above statement is finding only for first character. Thanks #SQL #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 306