go to post Ohm Trivedi · Mar 25, 2016 Yes, I tried that too. It also does not takes the value of query. Checking with $$TRACE, tEmaildID still turns out to be empty.
go to post Ohm Trivedi · Mar 18, 2016 Hi Herman,I also tried SET tEmailID = $Get(%request.Data("account",1)). But even then, tEmailID comes up empty in the trace.I am using HealthShare 2015.2.1Any ideas?
go to post Ohm Trivedi · Mar 17, 2016 Hi Herman,I tried to modify my code as per your suggestions. The URLinside route is set to /UserAccounts. But, it didn't work. I have added trace elements to check what I receive.The _tEmailID element for which I used the %request.Get, it does not receive the parameter passed to it.The Event log for service shows that _tEmailID is empty. Can you have a look at my method and suggest anything if I have missed? Is it required to add any library to use %request? Method retrieveAccount(pInput As %Library.AbstractStream, Output pOutput As %Stream.Object) As %Status{set status = $$$OKtry{ SET tEmailID = %request.Get("account") $$$TRACE("tEmaildID = "_tEmailID)ZNSpace "INSTATEMPNS"&sql(SELECT EmailID,Password INTO :email,:pwd FROM InstaTemp.ISAccounts WHERE EmailID = :tEmailID )$$$TRACE("email = "_email)set tProxy = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New() IF SQLCODE'=0 { set tProxy.Email = tEmailID set tProxy.Pwd = "no password" set tProxy.SqlCode = SQLCODE } ELSE { set tProxy.Email = email set tProxy.Pwd = pwd set tProxy.SqlCode = SQLCODE } //set tProxy = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New() //set tProxy.Email = email //set tProxy.Pwd = pwd // You could just write the output manually or use helper methods like ..ObjectToJSONStream() to generate JSON do pOutput.SetAttribute("Content-Type","application/json") do pOutput.Write("[") Set tOut=##class(%IO.StringStream).%New() do ..ObjectToJSONStream(tProxy,.tOut) do tOut.Rewind() do pOutput.Write( tOut.Read() ) do pOutput.Write("]"_$C(13,10)) } catch (e) {set status = e.AsStatus()} quit status}
go to post Ohm Trivedi · Mar 16, 2016 Hi Scott,I am a newbie here, so my queries are a little basic.I tried to change the format of URL like this http://localhost:57772/myDemo/myService/UserAccounts?email=abc@gmail.comBut, then I get an error in my service which is s follows:ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Unsupported REST URL: /UserAccounts%3Femail%3Dabc%40gmail.com for HTTP command GETCan you tell me why this didn't work?Thanks
go to post Ohm Trivedi · Mar 16, 2016 The above queries are from me. Let me know if any additional information is required.Thanks Joshua for the support.