After I loaded the intersystems/iam:0.34-1-1 image in local, I am trying to do the next step of configuration.

2) Configure your InterSystems IRIS instance

2a) Enable the /api/IAM web application
2b) Enable the IAM user
2c) Change the password for the IAM user

Do we need to change these settings in iris.cpf file? any inputs where we have to configure? I have IRIS 2019.1.1 installed in my machine.



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I am trying to install IAM in my local and I downloaded IAM-0.34-1-1.tar.gz and extracted. I went to the location where iam_image.tar is available and run below command in the command prompt.

C:\ESB\HC\IAM-0.34-1-1.tar\IAM-0.34-1-1\IAM>docker load -i iam_image.tar
unsupported os linux

Getting unsupported os Linux issue. Kindly let me know if anyone had this issue. Thanks!

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