Hi Ponnumani,

As mentioned above, learning.intersystems.com has online courses to help you learn about Caché.

To start, I recommend going through the Learning Caché for Developers Resource Guide at https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=4. This will provide you a list and order for working through available online classes as well as other resources such as documentation and videos. 

After that, I would recommend going through any of the other 19 Resource Guides that cover topics you need to learn. Resource Guides are a great way to start learning a new topic.

To see all resources available in the online catalog, go to  the Browse Catalog link at the top  https://learning.intersystems.com/totara/coursecatalog/courses.php. From there you can filter the resources based on product, role and type of resource.

Good luck with your learning!