Here is a video to illustrate the article: Generating meaningful test data using Gemini
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The command doesn't know. That's why you need to check the SQLCODE variable.

If SQLCODE  = 0 then the row exists and it was updated. If SQLCODE  = 100 then the row doesn't exist. If it not equal to either then you have a problem.

Example for Embedded SQL:

 &SQL(update WH.Size
   set Height = 1000
 where %ID = 10)
 write SQLCODE

Example for Dynamic SQL:

 SET myquery = "update WH.Size set Height = 1000 where %ID = 10"
 SET tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
 SET tStatus = tStatement.%Prepare(myquery)
 SET rset = tStatement.%Execute()
 write rset.%SQLCODE

Not sure what you mean by "if the row exists" in regards with insert. The row does not exist, because you're creating it.

I'd say in general, having a structured data with the actual names of fields is much better than "parsing" the text with delimiters. So I would vote for FHIR. Maybe at some point there will be a better way to represent data - and it is OK - and people will switch to it. The main idea - not to make it painful on the developers to rewrite everything!