Question Megumi Kakechi · Apr 18, 2022 How to handle returned exception error object by Embedded Python method? How can I get the Python error object(exception return value) from the embedded python method?I have an embedded Python method like as below; #Embedded Python #InterSystems IRIS 0 9 2 727
Question Megumi Kakechi · Dec 26, 2016 Is it possible to build cube(source class:DataConnector) during source table updating? Hello,I have a question regarding Data Connector cube. #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) #Cubes #Listings 0 2 0 379
Question Megumi Kakechi · Jul 11, 2016 ZEN Mojo : file download code sample Hello, One of our AP would like us to provide the file upload/download sample code by using ZEN Mojo. I already provided them the attached "upload-sample". I tried to create the "download-sample" in a similar way, but I couldn't do it yet. Does anyone have a good idea/sample about this? I'd like to download the server side file(e.g. c:\temp\nene.jpg) into client machine with a OpenFileDialog(image.png). Thank you in advance. #Frontend #ZEN #Caché 0 6 0 893