Question Tamara Villarroel · Nov 26, 2019 Notification: Call Alert instead of Email Alert Hello Wonderful Community! The question I have is: Can we set a Call Alert instead of an email alert (or both) in Ensemble when the system goes down? The message below is what we got via email. But I wanted to know if there is more functionality that allows to use a call system. #Ensemble 0 2 1 342
Question Tamara Villarroel · Nov 19, 2019 How do you use EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation Hey Guys! How do you used this Operation (EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation) I have an FTP site. But, I was wondering if you could do this within the Ensemble Engine. Any thoughts and instructions would be amazing! Kindly, Tam #FTP 0 1 0 343