go to post Carl Tawn · Jul 20, 2020 Thanks both. I have logged it with WRC. Oddly, if i click the "HealthShare" option from portal i get a couple of zen error dialogs, at which point the link strip at the very top of the page changes and shows a "Ensemble Management" option. Clicking that then shows me the menu i was expecting to see when selecting "Ensemble".
go to post Carl Tawn · Jul 20, 2020 Hi, thanks for replying. I was a little too vague in the initial question. I have already given the role the below permissions, in addition to the database resource: %Ens_Alerts RU %Ens_ConfigItemRun R %Ens_Dashboard RU %Ens_EventLog RU %Ens_LookupTables RU %Ens_MessageContent RU %Ens_MessageHeader RU %Ens_MessageTrace RU %Ens_Portal RU %Ens_ProductionConfig R %Ens_ProductionDocumentation RU %Ens_ProductionRun R %Ens_Queues RU %Ens_SystemDefaultConfig RU MPRL_Menu RWU MPRL_Operation RWU If i use a direct link to the production (i.e. EnsPortal.ProductionConfig.zen) i can get in, and see the production ok. I just can't navigate to it from the Management Portal landing page.
go to post Carl Tawn · Sep 18, 2019 Hi, thanks for the reply.{ts} only seems to work with literal values, not with columns. So the following query errors: select %nolock top(1) datepart('hh', {ts TimeCreated}) from Ens.MessageHeader