go to post Amit Prajapati · Sep 6, 2019 Thanks for your suggestion with example code.Can you please advise how we get the data using this Search Method, because you did not write any return statement.
go to post Amit Prajapati · Sep 6, 2019 As per your suggestion, I have changed the query and it is working fine.But I have to implement direction of sorting dynamically and it is not working. Please give your expert advise.In below code, bold highlighted not working and give me compile time error. select * from ( SELECT TOP ALL FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Email, UserType FROM LISDB.ExternalUsers WHERE (ISNULL(:objSearch.FirstName, '') = '' OR FirstName LIKE :objSearch.FirstNameSearch) AND (ISNULL(:objSearch.LastName, '') = '' OR LastName LIKE :objSearch.LastNameSearch) AND (ISNULL(:objSearch.Email, '') = '' OR Email LIKE :objSearch.EmailSearch) -- Order by :objSearch.SortingField Order by CASE :objSearch.SortingField WHEN 'FirstName' THEN FirstName WHEN 'MiddleName' THEN MiddleName END CASE :objSearch.IsDecending WHEN 1 THEN DESC WHEN 0 THEN ASC END ) WHERE %vid BETWEEN :objSearch.StartIndex AND :objSearch.EndIndex
go to post Amit Prajapati · Sep 6, 2019 object property is working fine in Query expect objSearch.SortingField
go to post Amit Prajapati · Aug 23, 2019 Hi Eduard,When I have written last 4 lines instead on 5 lined in ClassMethod than my issue was resolved. But I have to write those 4 lines in all ClassMethod. Do you know any other place, where I put these 4 common lines and it will work for all ClassMethods.Thanks for you more support in advance.Amit Prajapati