go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Dec 15, 2019 Hi, I need to write to different csv files based on a column data. So I need to check the column data before writing to file. Here is the code to write the data to file. while (ind '= ""){set row = ^CacheTemp(repid,"MAIN",ind)use filemain write row,!; Get next row index for MAIN reportset ind = $order(^CacheTemp(repid,"MAIN",ind))} close filemain} Thanks Jude
go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Dec 12, 2019 Is there any way we can check a particular column data before writing to the file ? Based on the data I can write the data to a different files.
go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Dec 11, 2019 Hi Eduard, I am writing a routine to extract data from database and scheduled for a particular day. Recently I came across that the data is going beyond the csv limit. Thanks Jude
go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Oct 30, 2019 Many Thanks . It worked very well. I used this one only update RB_ResEffDateSessPayorRestr set RESTR_DATETo=to_date(DATEADD('year',1,RESTR_DATETo),'YYYY-MM-DD') where YEAR(RESTR_DATETo)=2020
go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Oct 29, 2019 Error: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL\Winsql.exe][SQLCODE: <-105>:<Field validation failed in UPDATE>][Location: <ServerLoop>][%msg: <Field 'SQLUser.RB_ResEffDateSessPayorRestr.RESTR_DateTo' (value '2039-01-07 00:00:00') failed validation>] (State:S1000, Native Code: 69)
go to post Jude Mukkadayil · Oct 29, 2019 Still its not working. I think its because of looping. Since I am using the same field in the where condition , that may be the issue. Any idea?