go to post Juanito Doolub · Nov 23, 2020 Not sure what you mean by "message continuation". I did develop an HL7 interface recently for Q22 (Clinician Query) - the response was a RSP^K22 message type, going back to the same HL7 business service that received the inbound QBP^Q22 message. The Ack Mode setting on the business service was set to Application.
go to post Juanito Doolub · Apr 13, 2020 To start a production: do ##class(Ens.Director).StartProduction("myProduction") To stop a production: do ##class(Ens.Director).StopProduction()
go to post Juanito Doolub · Dec 16, 2019 Verify that calling method %Save is returning 1 Also, that the PDF stream is correctly created in Global ^CacheStream