Question Colin Nagle · Jul 8, 2019 Installing Atelier Plugin Hi All,I've got Eclipse installed (Javascript 2019-6) but when search for Atelier from the market place within the IDE it does not show up.I found it in the browser version of the marketplace, and tried to drag it in but got the message 'The following solutions are not compatible with this version of Eclipse'.I tried installing an older version of Eclipse (photon) but the installer keeps telling me I haven't got JRE 1.7+ installed (I have 1.8 64bit installed already), and sends me to a download page so I can't continue. 0 2 0 328
Question Colin Nagle · Jul 4, 2019 Options for .Net Managed Provider Proxy Classes in IRIS environment Hi All,I'm just taking a look at IRIS and what it has to offer, and if this is something the organisation I work for should be looking to take advantage of.I think I've come across an early sticking point, and I wondered if anyone knew of any options. #Caché #InterSystems IRIS 0 2 0 403